Thursday, May 29, 2014


So it's finally over guys. I gained so many things from being in this program but I also lost something today. I'm going to miss staying in A101 during our own time (instead of spending them outside where I should be). I'm actually not satisfied of getting my "normal" life back, cause it won't fell normal (nah m'saying, LOL #NO). I'm honestly going to miss each and everyone of you guys. I still can't accept the fact that we are now going to high school (well 8th grade for you 7th graders). This was one of the best years I had in all my history of school years. I actually felt like I was taking the right path being here. Yes, there was moments when we all wanted to kill each other (it's a surprise that we hadn't all gone Hunger Games), but we all got along at every end of the day. So we're all a bunch of freaks forced to be molded together, but we all found similarities that caused us to become friends. Maybe some of our relationships are still awkward and not as deep as others, but i'm glad I got to know you guys. I'm glad I got accepted into the program. I learned more here than I could ever learn from a normal class. I'm going to carry on these things I learned here to the future. I wish I could have learned more. Mr. Ing, this was the first time I got a teacher like you. I get along with a lot of teachers and talk to them even when i'm not in class but you were something . . . but in a good way lol. I have a lot of teachers that praise me for doing good but you actually pushed us more than others because you know we could do much better than what we thought was our "best". 

There are too many highlights of this year to pin point individually. But I enjoyed retreat, because it was nice to not have any devices. We all had to find something to do so we weren't bored and that caused us to bond. I enjoyed playing the card games and crab hunting (ok maybe not so much when we had to kill them). I'm definitely going to miss having food served when I wake up. Sheila i'm still never forgetting the time when you opened the shower curtains while I was showering. Then we had the field trip to Ala Moana. That was fun guys. That was the longest I had ever gone shopping. The fireworks wasn't as extravagant as I thought it would be but looking back now it seemed very cool. Then we had small memories that happened in A101. For example today, I had never seen such hardcore musical chairs. That was the closest we had to a Hunger Games. 

The overall lesson learned this whole year is that everyone comes and goes into your life. There are multiple entrances and exits to go through, but it doesn't matter when they enter or leave your life but what matters is the time you spent with them. I know this is  a goodbye but not really. I hope I get to see you all again. I'll be seeing some of you next next year in high school and hopefully I get invited back. I'm going to cherish these memories with you all and I hope you do the same for me. 

period 6 (missing the other 2; Jah and Jayde)

the most intense musical chairs you will ever see

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


So I'm at Tony Roma's guys and since it's graduation the food are like delayed, so I was like, I'm probably not going to have time to do it anyways so I'll just write it on my phone. Moving on, so we only have one more day of school left. I hope we stay in touch guys, I'm honestly going to miss each and everyone of you. No drift now. This quarter was a blast. A lot of things were done revolving around graduation. I still can't believe I graduated and now were going to highschool and I'm kind of scared (the whole 2 days after graduating kind of ruins the vibe though.) Summer is finally here but like I hate sweating so like can it snow? So this quarter we had recognition night, which went well buy could have been better. Then we finally had the actual graduation. The struggle this quarter was real, especially the Algebra final. I still haven't finished mines by the way. I'm glad I kept up with my grades, I would be so bummed out if I didn't get the grades I wanted because it's the last quarter and our last year in intermediate school. I'm sad this year is ending and I'm sad I didn't get my food yet while the rest of my table has there's. So towards the end of the year I actually made friends, and I started opening up to not just leadership people but outside as well. I have no idea if I'll make friends in high school. #hatingthatschoollife

I had so many highlights of this quarter but I'll be talking about graduation because now we have another 4 more years of school before we can actually start our lives. So like I know it's intermediate and there's still highschool and college graduation but graduating intermediate was like finally padding the "kid" phase. My lowlight this quarter wad the Algebra final. Yes I know you're sick and tired of me mentioning it but I seriously don't know half of the content on that test and like I'm pretty sure my score is going to be so low.

I also had many lesson learned this quarter but one that sticks out the most is that there are many chapters we have in our lives, many pages symblosing the days and tomorrows we still have so its okay to screw up once in a while. We're still young and learning so just do the best you can for now.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


So the internet is really slow guys cause i'm staying at a hotel so just bear with me.This was a really awesome week, a lot of things we're done involving Graduation. So I had IDs this week, but no one is really buying, but you'll never know. So we had recognition night this week. It actually went well but it could have been better. Not really much is happening in my classes. In Algebra, we're now doing our finals and after two sessions i'm still in question 14. I don't think i'll pass guys. For English, we're not really doing anything, but we wrote a letter to someone we appreciate. In Science, we presented our projects. In Social Studies, we played Jeopardy! which I always enjoy. In STEM, we were going to do the paper towers but I didn't go cause I went to help with Graduation. My brother's birthday was this week, lol. We also had Graduation rehearsal. Oh and during Friday when we were walking someone said we looked liked a walking rainbow since we all had different colored shirts. We also collected canned goods and it was more than we expected. Guess what guys, were staying at a hotel. I have no idea what to talk about now. 

So my highlight of this week was today at the hotel. We went to this cool restaurant and the theme was just really awesome and I think i'll go back there again. We went swimming and we went to the hot tub and we ruined this couples moment, lol. We had a reflection and it was actually . . . fine. Another highlight of mines is my brother's birthday. So we bought this game for my PS3 but the disc isn't working and he ended up crying himself to sleep.

The lesson learned goes for my dad but the game we bought we were planning on return but my dad might of have thrown away the receipt so . . . 

Saturday, May 17, 2014


This was actually a pretty good week. So we had recess music this week and don't you hate it when people complain about music, so rude. Be grateful were actually doing this for your entertainment. My classes this week was ok, I guess. In Social Studies we just watched a movie called "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and answered some questions about the movie. In Science, were doing a group project about one of the celestial components of Earth and explain how it's a unified system and stuff. In Algebra, we did some work and then we had a free class day on Friday. In STEM, my group had to present our houses to the class and then for the rest of the class were doing our reflections about our experience in STEM. In English, we just went to the computer lab and did our STAR test and Achieve3000 test (does anybody actually go on teenbiz?). I also had the McNite this week Wednesday. I didn't expect that much people to actually come and play our games. Oh gosh, while doing this McNite thing, we had people outside the drive through with a box for donations and this band parent did the same thing and like told us to go away and that they were here first and they also like put donation boxes at the cashier. That lady was impossible, we like explained that our organization, NJHS, planned this whole thing and that the band was only getting a portion of the profit but like she was being such a female dog about it and saying we need to leave the drive through area and that it was like the Bands stuff. So yea Ms. Seigaku had to go and talk to her and even Mr. Hayashi didn't know about her and like had to apologize to us after. We also had Jamba Juice sold during Friday. Then the long planned Period 6 sleepover finally happened. Lol, you don't know how long we said we would do this but like it never happened until now. So like at Friday we all walked to Korey's house then Jah's and i'm pretty sure I got a blister, thankfully, Jah's mom drove us to Maliah's place. 

I actually have 3 highlights from this week. First would be from one of my leadership periods. Jah was practicing her speech and she had to call out names and my name was first and when she called it out Jayde was like "YEAAAA!!!!", lol idk it was funny. Then we took polaroid pictures and when it was Laila and Korey's turn it came out blank. Coincidence? I think not! Then on Wednesday we had McNite, just the whole was actually really fun. Towards the end when we all finished working we went to the drive through for the donations and like everyone was just crazy. Then on Friday we had the official Period 6 sleepover. We had to walk to everyone's house and people from school was at Jah's place and it was awkward. We were playing foosball and Korey and I actually won (ok so maybe there was some cheating involved). While waiting for Jayde we lost Jah in the process. Then we played Just Dance on the Kinect and we ate most of the time actually. Korey, Maliah and I played in the sprinkles at night. Then we watched a movie and I was so tired from walking that I fell asleep and when I woke up this morning my whole body was tired. Then we made breakfast and we burned everything. We took a walk this morning and we lost Jah and Jayde again. When I got home I was so tired that I went back to sleep.

The lesson learned this week is that I should just stick to academics cause I suck at athletic things lol. It's pretty self explanatory really. I actually wanna play a sport and like do stuff but like I suck and all. So it's not by choice, I think. 

that award company thing has really sassy packaging, polaroids, mcnite

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I am so sorry my title sounds mean but I actually had a good time. To start of this week, I had lunch music, I don't really remember much about work though (besides the fact that it wasn't working during Monday). For my classes, in Science, we had HSA and my score . . . lowered. UGH! But at least I passed, but it was around the 320's. For Social Studies, we had group work about the compromises and we did a section assessment. In STEM, we tested our houses and we got the best efficiency with 14.35%, I think, but it was around there somewhere. Then in English, we presented our speech about that genocide in Darfur, Sudan. In Algebra, we went back to doing our usual stuff. But the Finals are coming up soon and i'm pretty sure i'm going to fail! Then for my Leadership period, we finished up our reflections for our boards. Ok so i'm pretty sure that's all my classes, (oh gosh, I just noticed I use the words "pretty sure" in my blog too much). This week was a very productive week for me because of NJHS. So Megan and I are in charge of basically every activity (because our President and Vice President do so much, NOT!), so we always have to do the preparing and planning. So all the games in McNite, we have to build the booths, with the help of the members of course. MAKE SURE YOU GUYS COME!!! Last Friday night (lol yup Katy Perry reference), I went Graduation shopping and I saw Megan, lol. Today, I also went to a senior care home.

My highlight of the week was going to Franciscan Vistas Ewa. The wonderful lady that I got to visit was Mrs. Agustin ( i'm hoping I spelled that right). She was really nice and her husband was pretty funny. The place was also beautiful. After visiting them, I felt so relaxed and peaceful and happy. I don't know man, there something about visiting senior housings because its so quiet and there so fun to talk to. It's sad that their children don't even visit or call them. I was doing this for my community service project but I would actually like to visit them for fun. 

The lesson learned this week that stood out the most was "hardships mature you". I learned this from visiting the senior home. She was talking about her past life and she said that kids nowadays aren't mature as the kids back then since we got things easy for us. She was from the Philippines and she lived in the country side. It was sad when she talked about that. 

visiting Mrs. Agustin

Gerald as a girl

NJHS, me, korey and matthias' s comment tho

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! This week was a pretty fun week. I had afterschool sales but most  of this week we didn't work because of Class Day and Banquet. Let me try remember what happened this week cause all I remember was last night. So in Science, i'm pretty sure we took our galaxy test and a critical read. So I got a 100% on the critical read and I think a 93% on the test. Oh and also we did a foldable about galaxies. I really liked class on Friday because Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto gave us the choice of studying for HSA or having like free time to do work and most of the class chose the latter. I didn't have anything to do so I did stuff for NJHS. Then for Algebra we finished up our HSA. Guess what I got? I got something around 370 something, lol sorry. I have like the worst memory. Then for Social Studies I think we turned in our essays about the battles of the American Civil War. In STEM, we built our house. Oh also since Mr. Ing had to live in Period 6's Leadership, Maliah, Jah, and I spent the whole hour shelving books, (Jayde went to make up work). I actually liked it. I was pretty relaxing since no one was there besides us and the librarians. We got to play our music and my OCD was on high mode, lol. 

My highlight of the week was Banquet. I actually had a good time. So the beginning part was awkward, but after I got more comfortable, I had a lot of fun. So riding there was really awkward cause I sat alone but during and going back was fun because I talked to people I don't normally talk outside of class. We played truth or dare on the ride back to school. I danced, lol, if you considered jumping with my hands up dancing lol. 

So my lesson learned this week is just let loose and don't be afraid because you are going to regret not doing it. Yea, i'm pretty sure I had lesson before but that's what my banquet felt like. Oh another lesson is we all need some quiet and alone time to ourselves because sometimes the company of others is tiring. You need alone time to think for your self. 

i saw a dead bird while walking back home 

just changing the marquee

we saw this dog inside the cage thingy in r building after school, it looked so sad :(

sitting alone in the bus, yes im coool


aleesha going crazy in the dance floor

nailed it

hot rollers but no i did not curl my hair for banquet . . . got to lazy

you look stoned

i really love this picture *.*, pic cr. to me

heyyyy qurl

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Personal Display Boards

So this week we did a reflection of our assignment called "Personal Display Board". So basically this board is supposed to be about us. It needed 10 items that reference to 'leadership'. We had a limit of 1 picture and 1 blog. And at the end, we had to make a write up with the answers to the questions; "what is this item?", "why is this important?/why did you chose this?", and "how did it change you?/what were you before and after?." This is assignment is about us, psshh it'll be easy. EL OH EL, #no. So yea it was easy all you needed to do was get your item answer the question and then paste in on your board. Although it wasn't that troublesome, I put a lot of thought into my items. And I kind of had trouble finding some of the papers since my room is a mess. So my items were (not in any specific order): 1. my leadership acceptance letter, 2. NJHS acceptance letter, 3. biocube, 4. NJHS induction ceremony picture, 5. STEM projects, 6. retreat blog, 7. all access video, 8. quarter 3 report card, 9. orientation fashion show script, and 10. yearbook page. 

My highlight of this project would be 'reflecting.' Like Mr. Ing said reflecting is good. To me reflecting is like getting that alone time and thinking about "what you've done." My lowlight would be trying to find my items. So I looked everywhere for this one paper but I guess I lost it. But thank the heavens that my mom had a picture of it.

So the lesson learned from this assignment is 'its nice to see your achievements being displayed.' Seeing your achievements on show, shows that you haven't just been lazing around and doing nothing (as my mom says). Having a board of things you've done doesn't make you feel so much of a pathetic fool, lol. 

so me being me, i didn't have a picture of my board *slaps forehead and shakes head*, but i do have pictues of things that were on my board and such

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Heyy bloggers! So you're probably wondering what my title means but my week started off with Jayde saying that. It was too funny, Helen please, you never changed whatsoever. So this week we had afterschool sales and on Monday I went to work and I was the first one their so I was like "wow, maybe i'm early", but when I was setting up no one showed up and then the bell rang and I didn't even get the ice cream out. I thought I was going to be working alone but then Korey came so I was like phew saved by the bell. So yea . . . period 6 forgot we had afterschool sales but at least they showed up after when they saw me and Korey working. So moving on to other events, in Social Studies we're doing research on our next informative essay and I had no clue about what these topics were about so I just randomly chose one which is Antietam. In English, were making a persuasive essay about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. In STEM, we are now making our final design and starting to build our houses. In Science, were learning about galaxies now and were going to take a test soon. In Leadership, our personal display board was recently due, oh and Laila also made some fanfiction. Something different we had this week was we had Career Day. I had Mr. Kumia who was a Private Investigator. 

My highlight of the week is Career Day because first we had to skip a class and everyone is always happy when we get to skip classes. Also because its great seeing different types of careers and seeing how they work. And because I saw a dog and dogs make me happy. Oh and Friday after school we had to meet with the McDonald's manager for NJHS and Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto bought us food. 

My lesson learned this week is "I am destined for greatness". That's what I learned from Mr. Kumia. So unlike the other career speakers. He didn't talk about being a private investigator much but he based his sessions on talking about doing what ever you wanted and not letting fear get in your way because you may never know what's ahead of you. 

#KoreySelfies, Mr. Kumia, our ghetto tape, McDonald's and tying our shoes together

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Whaddup people of the internet! So i'm at a party and guess what i'm doing? Psshh please, like you need to guess. Yes, I haz lock myself in a room with my laptop blogging, scrolling on Tumblr, and hoping the wifi doesn't go out. So I don't really remember much of this week but i'm going to try ok (not remembering anything from this week probably means it was boring). EL OH EL, so my cousin just walked inside the room, looked at me, sighed, and walked back out, lol I guess he thought no one was in here and wanted to be alone but guuuuurl too bad I was here first. Ok back to recapping this week. So i'm pretty sure we took the HSA for English this week and I got a lower school than my first, sigh. Well it's a good thing they're taking your highest score out of all the chances. Oh, and I had TV this week and I had to go one for this whole week because Jah is on vacation and Korey is doing forms. Well it was a good thing that Maliah helped me. I liked Friday's broadcast because we finally got to do the thing we wanted to do for so long. The thing was we would introduce ourselves but we would mix up our names and then switch chairs and introduce ourselves correctly. A guy in one of my classes said that it was lame what we did on CCTV, well I was happy and stop killing my vibe. Our buckets were due this week. My item was a book. I just made a bunch of papers look old then made them into like a small not journal looking thing. 

So I don't really have a highlight but i'll just tell you something interesting that happened this week. So my family were all in the living room (that's a first), I don't really remember how it started but my brother started a pillow fight with my mom. And my mom being my mom, of course she grab a pillow and fought back. So it went on for a while until my brother started crying and all my mom did was like 'hmmph that's what you get, you deserved it'. I swear, my family either belongs in a zoo or circus. 

My lesson learned this week is never pillow fight with my mom or just get her pissed in general. When I was little, I was troublesome innocent (parents' words, not mine). I was a pain in the butt but it wasn't anything drastic. Well i'm glad that I was nothing like my brother and never experienced my mom's wrath when I was little. She's the type of mom that will make you cry then tell you to go run to your mommy even though your her child. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! This week was Orientation week. All the practicing is finally paying off, YESH! I also suffered from a canker sore this week, and I still am even today. But i'm hashtag over it. So Tuesday, Thursday and Thursday night were orientations. On Monday in Algebra we had to present our own lesson. I kinda felt so bad because I didn't do a good job because my nerves got to me. I'm sorry group. I'm hoping that second chance Mr. Shim talked about actually happens. In STEM, I missed the evaluation thing and now I need to try raising my grade up because i'm trying to get a 4.0 again this quarter. So in Social Studies we had our vocab test. I missed two words because I switch the definitions around. Man, so close to having a perfect score. Then in Science I did something similar again. We took a test on stars and Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto said I was the only one in my period that got an A. My score was so close to getting a perfect score but I wrote down color instead of temperature. We also went outside for class on Friday. We did a small scale of the solar system, and i'm pretty sure that I did the math incorrectly. In English, we took a CFA, and I think she said it was our last one. Idk, I kind of wasn't paying attention. So we got the scores back from our Explore test and overall I got a good score which was a 20. 

I didn't really have a highlight this week so i'll just talk about my lowlight which is pretty obvious. This canker sore is a pain in the butt. I know i'm complaining to much about it but sigh. Oh I tried to make French macaroons today but I failed because the meringue wasn't the right consistency. I'll try again, I need to perfect that ish.  

My lesson learned this week is if I practice frequently I can memorize something. So if I keep repeating something for a time period I remember it. I always had trouble memorize stuff because i'm a forgetful person. Now I have a method that can help me. 

my failed macaroons, Laila in Google maps, me in the career poster, my Explore test results, Maliah in a box, and Maliah and I in a tire.

Friday, April 11, 2014


So this week was finally Orientation week. We've been waiting for this. Practicing every morning, lunch and after school everyday. On Tuesday morning, I wasn't really feeling nervous about speaking in front of a crowd since I knew my lines (ok maybe I might stubble and stutter a bit but girl, I actually memorized my lines). But then when I got on that stage to do the fashion show, I was scared. I kept holding my hands together and moving them around because they were obviously shaking out of fear. So I messed up a little bit but good thing it wasn't noticeable. Just when I thought I got this in a roll, the big problem came. So I got a canker sore on my tongue on after Tuesday. If you noticed that my lips were chapped and looked dry, well its because I've been dehydrated. The sore made it hard for me to speak, eat, and drink water. When we practicing on Wednesday, it hurt like a female dog. Then Thursday came and I started worrying because we were going to present at morning and night and it might affect the presentation. But I just sucked it up and tried to numb the pain by sucking on some ice. While doing the presentation, I learned that if my mind isn't on the pain then it won't hurt as much. But then orientation passed and I was so glad that I didn't mess up big time. Phew! I actually enjoyed the questioning portion of the presentation. lol, maybe I just enjoyed walking around a bunch of sixth graders. But seriously though, the same people kept asking questions. The tour I actually think I did a pretty good job. A lot of people kept saying they had people with stupid questions but I actually got a really nice group that barely asked any questions.

My highlight of the orientation was backstage when all of us weren't on. We just kept messing around and trying to scare each other. We were going to do bloody Mary but we just kept messing up and it ended up being funny. When Kevin came back out, he was all like "UGH, guys I messed up" and he was sitting on the stage with his head in his hands. Ok so it sounds mean but dude it was pretty funny because it wasn't that big of a deal. My lowlight of the orientation was obviously getting a canker sore. It seriously hurt. It affect my eating and drinking habits and I was so sad because I love food (lol). 

The lesson learned this week is ORAL CARE IS IMPORTANT! Ok so yes I do brush my teeth twice a day, everyday. But girl after this bad experience with this canker sore I am now going to do a full on oral hygiene with the flossing, mouth wash and tongue brushing and everything!
photobombing Petriese's shoe picture (:
backstaged at Orientation Night

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! So this week was a very productive week. I had music this week and Jayde was filling in for Jahlyssa because she had to pass out forms. This whole week we had to practice Orientation in homeroom, lunch and sometimes even after school. On Wednesday, we had Graduation meeting. We had to take down notes because we're going to be the ones answering the questions for parents who didn't attend. When we were passing out papers and waiting for families to arrive, Jayde and I kept playing around and she was like "April, do you need a hug" or something like that and then she slapped me, lol it was pretty funny. Then on Friday we had Jamba Juice Sale for NJHS. We ran out pretty fast and some people didn't even get to buy because we expected less people. Since this was such a good sale, i'm pretty sure we're going to plan another one. Friday was also full dress rehearsal after school for Orientation. Oh yea and by the way, remember how I said I was the narrator for the fashion show and I needed to memorize the script? Well I did! Yea I might pause for like a second and mess up in few parts but I still remembered most of the things I need to say. I need to work on not being awkward and just act naturally. Maliah suggested I should use hand gestures because I just stand there stiffly with my hands clasp in front of me. Also, I need to get used to wearing the mic because it's still very weird for me and sometimes I sound to soft because of the placement. Moving on to my classes, in English were talking about the Holocaust and were watching 'The Diary of Anne Frank' and 'Life Is Beautiful'. In Social Studies, we're still working on that company thing. In Algebra, were learning the same old stuff, you know, math lol. In STEM, were now building our houses for 'Keep the Heat Out'. In Science, we took our HSA and I got 348! Yes, its way better than my last score which was 295 and I passed my last year score that was 343.  

My highlight this week was MY BIRTHDAY! If you didn't know then yes my birthday was this Thursday. Ew, i'm getting closer to my death. Lol my cousin hates birthdays because she thinks she's getting older or getting closer to the day we die. So we're not holding a party this year because we're going to the Philippines this summer and we need to save money as much as possible. So all we did was go out to dinner (and my parents just ordered something online for me). Nothing beats people cooking and serving for you!

The lesson learned this week is practice makes perfect. Yea its a very well known lesson but it really helped me this week. When I found out I was going to be the narrator for Orientation I was psyched but also worried that I wouldn't memorize the script on time. But since we kept practicing and I kept reading the script on my free time and before I knew it, I didn't need to read the script anymore. Now I just need to work on the flow of when I speak because sometimes it doesn't sound right.

so the lighting at the restaurant made my hair really light, but i actually like it 

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Heyy guys! Its finally the week back to school! If you noticed the title then yes, I did play in the rain. Sigh, if only it rained harder and longer. So this week was mainly focused on Orientation. It was difficult at first but now were all starting to get a hang of it. So i'm going to be the MC during the dance portion. I'm going to have to do a lot of memorizing, but at least i'll have time. So I did my hair during Spring Break. EL OH EL, you the reactions I got were pretty funny. So nothing much happened in my classes this week. Science we just reviewed for the upcoming HSA using the "Jeopardy!" method, I love playing that game. In Social Studies, were starting this group project about economics, were suppose to be a company selling products. In Math, we did a critical read and the same old stuff. In STEM, we finally found out our new project which is designing a house that will keep the heat out. In English, well we don't really do much in that class, but I found out my teacher is leaving after our graduation. In Leadership were working on orientation and passing out forms and pictures. 

My highlight of this week was playing in the rain. Yes I know i'm sick but . . . WHY THE HELL NOT!? Ok sorry but I love playing in the rain, but it was disappointing because it only rained for a while. 

The lesson learned this week is to speak up cause as cool as it sounds people can't read your mind. So if you've got something to say, say it. Your teacher won't know if the lesson doesn't make sense or what you want from your parents (by the way this lesson is just basically what I want as a birthday present from my parents . . . teehee I know stupid right). 

moments in the rain . . . 

Saturday, March 15, 2014


The last blog of the quarter. Yayyy, SPRING BREAK! So it's officially the end of quarter 3, now just one more to go. My job this week was after school sales. So this week was a very busy week, a lot of things being turned in. For Social Studies, we had to turn in our Native American essay, last clay in Ms. Liu's we played jeopardy for extra credit and I actually enjoyed something in her class for once. Maybe it was because we use to always play it in my math class to prepare for a big test. Anyways we got third place for it. In Science, we had to turn in our create an organism that can live in one of the planets poster. In English, we had to turn in our annotated bibliography. In STEM, we got to pick our new partners for the next project but we still don't know what it's about because Mr. Shinn still wont say. In Algebra, we haven't been doing anything, just some free periods and our 20 by 20. In Leadership, were now focusing all our attention on orientation. I was supposed to go hiking to Lulumahu falls today but there wasn't anyone who could watch my brother so I stayed, tsok tho. 

My highlight of the week was Friday because we didn't really do anything during my classes. For period 2, we watch Frozen but since I watched it like a million times already I went to sleep, lol. Also because it was my mom's birthday! 

Lesson learned this week is always plan out what you're going to say/where you're going. So Megan and I had to go talk to a bunch of people for NJHS but we weren't organize (it's our first time ok) so it was kind of everywhere. But at least next time we know what to do.

just some random pictures . . .

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Wow, is it really the end of the quarter already? One more day left till Spring Break, phew. Is it safe to say that this quarter was by far the easiest? So we had some lows in the beginning but with how smooth the way things are going right now, I think we've redeemed ourselves. This quarter we really had to step our game up with the yearbook. I'm just glad that were done with that problem now. Spirit week passed by just like that. We didn't really have any big problems with anything, everything was just like yea.... I'm expecting a 4.0 this quarter, hopefully nothing big changes on my grades. So I kind of don't want this quarter to end but nothing lasts forever. Feeling really anxious about what next quarter brings and the challenges and changes it will come with. Oh, lol haha Kalihi April finally came out guys. I guess i'm even more comfortable with you guys XD. 

The highlights of my quarter were definitely NJHS and spirit week. So last school year I applied for NJHS, but I didn't get in. So when I got in this year it was such a big accomplishment! I actually felt like I did something good for my parents. So it was my first year in doing spirit week and it was sfbhjbajksb;bvgjgbdjavdkhbgfdf awesome! Can't believe how much spirit this school has, wish it was the same everywhere else. 

My favorite lesson learned this quarter was "Being a leader isn't about ability. It's about responsibility." So there are a lot of good qualities a leader needs to have in order to lead people. But if you're leader is not responsible enough, then hell it doesn't matter how much ability he has (kind of). 

NJHS Induction Ceremony

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spirit Week.

So Spirit Week was last week. It was a pretty fun week, I guess. So the first day was sports day which was pretty easy. All I remembered from that week was team 8-3 starting of the penny wars and chain links and they also got the most dress outs (oh and that Laila brought the first canned goods which was one can of vienna sausage). Then on Tuesday it was inside out day. I thought everyone would most likely dress out since it was the easiest out of all the other dress outs but it was mostly 8-3 again. On Wednesday was when things started to get real. It Hawaii day and I think 8-3 got the most dress outs with like 90 something. People were starting to get pretty heated over penny wars and chain links. It was pretty funny because there was always a crowd in front of our station. 8-2 started to get into the game too. They brought plenty boxes of ramen.  On Thursday was Military day, this was my favorite out of the dress out days. So Mr. Shim put a hundred on everyones jar and everyone went crazy after that, he also brought 65 boxes of vienna sausage. So the chain links were getting too long so we just ended up tallying it instead of making them (when we threw the links away i became a black veil bride lol most of you will probably not get this). So on Friday was team color day and it was the only day that I say most of the people starting to dress out for their teams. We had the team dance off thing and I really didn't who won that one. So team cheer off everyone was saying 8-1 should've won but i'm pretty sure everyone was saying that for their own team. When we had the relay race it was the funniest thing. I really wanted to ride the bikes but 8-3 wouldn't stop celebrating. So last period of the day but it seemed like 8-3 had a free period because they were still celebrating even before they found out who won.

My highlight of the week was Thursday because it was my favorite dress out day and because it was when things started to get real. My lowlight of the week was when people were starting to fight because of penny wars. Guys this is for a good cause and to show spirit not who's going to win.

So my suggestion for a new activity would be, I know we already do this a lot but there should be a music challenge. We could play multiple songs at the same time and people can try to guess all the songs playing. OR play a mashup of songs and people have to list as much songs they heard. 

For dress out, I suggest something easy that everyone would already have. Like holiday day where you can dress as any holiday or even nerd day cause yea... But I really want a Fandom day! You can have anything fan related (fangirls and fanboys unite!). 

Overall I really liked spirit week. I heard a lot of people saying this was better than last years but I really can't say since I wasn't here. What should be done differently is dress out. Some people were too lazy and just didn't care. When we explaining to the advisory classes we said 3 things to wear and I guess the were just like "I ain't doing that" so maybe next time clear it up with the students as well as with us. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


(I just found out that the blog i thought i posted during Saturday didn't get posted, UGH so whatever at least i have it up now) Hey y'all! So this week was a very hectic week. I had after school sales this week and I also worked wristbands for spirit week. Spirit week was something alright. Team 8-3 killed it. It was actually pretty funny seeing people huddled up in front of our station yelling because of coins. People put like 20's, 50's and even 100's, I could've bought so many things with that money. Guys it's only spirit week, next week it won't even matter to you guys. I heard people saying things like "I'm going to die if we don't win". But at least this money is all for a good cause. So we had to wake up really early this week, last time I woke this early was for retreat. After we were all done with spirit week, all the can foods we collected was enough to stock up for the apocalypse. The money counting was really fast thanks to Cassie (that was the name of the machine if you didn't know). I thought it would take longer but it didn't. Relay race was pretty funny, well people are racing to put on beach stuff. I wanted to ride the bike so much but team 8-3 wouldn't stop celebrating.

My highlight of this week was National Junior Honor Soceity Induction Ceremony (wow that's a mouthful). My teacher from Kalihi actually came all this was to support me. So I had to speak for "Citezenship", and I was shaking so badly. Ugh at least I wasn't the only, I can tell the other officers were nervous too. 

The lesson learned this week is to stay positive. You should stay positive all time but it was pretty amazing with the people at the clean up. Everyone was pretty friendly and there was even people from Farrington where I came from. 

we have enough food for an apocalypse

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Heyyyyy bloggers! This week was a very funny and embarrassing week. So my job was t.v. this week, and it's either we have a lot of announcements or none, there is no in between. We had to go to advisory classes this week to show the dress out days and it was embarrassing and funny at the same time. No one really asked any questions which made it even awkward since they just stared at us. OMG, guuurl, Aleesha everytime she explained she would get so fired up, damn. So my boots broke during Friday while we were walking back A101, UGH. We started taking our Algebra HSA, and I can predict that I won't get a good score on this. For English were doing this debate thing about important issues and in Social Studies were doing another informative essay. In Science we have to create and organism that can live on the 7 other planets. In STEM, were finishing our presentation about solar cars. It started raining Friday night, and I'm kinda hoping it rains the whole week so the weather is cold, I just don't really like warm or hot weather guys.

My highlight of the week was in Leadership period, it was pretty funny this week, Helen told me to step it up when I couldn't carry the tables on my own. Girl, excuse you, you needed help too. Then on Friday when we were cutting wristbands Korey turned into a machine and the wristband pile started to look like my life (unorganized and everywhere), then Maliah cried because her whole life was thrown at her. Jah brought this cool spray bottle thing and period 6 just had way too much fun with it. 

The lesson learned this week is actually pretty silly, never wear shoes that have something wrong with them. Always check if they're going to break down soon. Funny story though, my sister, whenever she barrows my mom shoes she ends up returning them broken to the point where you can't wear them anymore. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Heyyyyy bloggers! So I'm watching Doctor Who right now and I swear it would be 100000000000000000x much better if I had a British accent (and even more annoying than usual). This week was a pretty short week but it was filled with a lot of excitement. So in STEM, it's competition time where we have to race the groups in our periods and race head to head against the fastest in each period. So our group went pretty far. All we need to do is fix our fallen motor and race one more group. In Social Studies, were working on this project about the Westward Movement and I don't really like it (lol I don't really like anything in that class). In Science, we took a big test, I did ok and plus I had extra credit points. In Math, we took the practice explorer test. Sigh, if only I had more time (and a smarter brain). So this week was the practice dress out week, and let me tell you it was pretty BAD.

My highlight of the week was today cause I got to go to Ala Moana. We just walked around for a little bit and we didn't buy much but it was nice to get a break from this week. Oh yea and I also got new glasses guys. Now I have like 2 backups. 

The lesson learned this week was if we don't set good examples then who is exactly going to follow. So were not really putting much effort in our dress up. C'mon guys, let's step up our game. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

3 Topic Lessons Discussed

To me "Being Responsible" means that when your assigned a task, you are able to get it done on time with the criteria filled. You are reliable and trustworthy. When you're responsible, you don't need someone watching you for you to be doing the right things and making good decisions.

An example of someone who isn't responsible is if they were in a group work, they wait for the other to finish so they can copy. 

I think "Being Responsible" is important because in real life, people won't hire you if you're not responsible enough to do your job. You can't get anything done if you're not responsible.

To me to "Follow Rules", you have to do what is told. You can't try to wing it and find a loop hole. You need to do everything you were instructed to do. 

An example of someone who doesn't follow rules is when you are told to finish a task on time but when it's time to turn in the work, you don't have it completed.

It's important to "Follow Rules" because if you don't, you might make a mistake and you won't know how to fix it because you didn't follow the rules. 

"Delayed Gratification" means that instead of getting the reward now, you wait in order to get a bigger reward. 

This is important because in order to get the prize you deserve, you need patience. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Heyyyy bloggers! So I'm really tired right now and I'm at a party but I hate parties (i just hate socializing... and people lol, they're scary). So this week I worked in music, but we kept messing up a little because it's been so looong. Next week we have IDs. So this week we found out who's in NJHS, and me and Maliah got in. I wanna run for President but at the same time I don't lol. But if I do run hopefully I win, lol wish me luck guys. Our car in STEM finally worked and it's pretty fast but it's not fast enough to beat the other groups so that's the only thing we need to work on (but how do you do that April?). For English, were starting up with our argumentative essay. In Social Studies, were studying the Westward Movement. I had an appointment today but it got cancelled since they were closed, lol thank god! I just hate hospitals, clinics and doctors in general. So I went to shoot during archery this week and now my back hurts. I just remembered what my doctor told me, so like I have this crooked spine and I'm not supposed to like do anything intense lol but I guess since I didn't shoot for so long and that I didn't stretch that it started to affect me. 

I don't really like parties but it's my only highlight of the week. I have a small group of my family that I actually like hanging out with. It was nice hanging with them (even though I see them every week or everyday). My family is really crazy and wild compared and it's fun to watch them making a full of themselves. 

The lesson learned this week is don't try to change yourself for others. While at the party, my older cousins are always telling me to dress "decently" or try to be more out going and "like them". I seriously hate when they do that. I'm comfortable with the way I dress and with the people I hang out with. If they don't like it then deal with it. I don't live to please you. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014


I know, I know. So my blog is late but my internet was effing up and kept on going on and off. Sigh. Well anyways this week my job was lunch music. We had our reading HSA this week and I got a pretty good score, 340 something. Lol I forgot. So our car for STEM didn't work. I mean it worked and started up but just didn't move because when we placed it down the solar panels angle wasn't reaching the sun very well and we also had problems with the wheels shifting. In Social Studies we had a critical read. And for once I actually think I can get a pretty good score on it. In Science, we are now learning about tides. Maliah and I finished our banners. It was pretty funny actually, because period six we have pretty good teamwork but we usually play around so we ended up getting marker marks all over my arms, at least we finished it. So for our dance, I think we finished it. We have most of the moves down but we have to work on not being so awkward. 

This was a pretty boring week. I don't really have any highlights but the only thing exciting that happened was that we played on the PS3. Uhm I ended up being colorful because of banners lol. Working on choreography brings out my inner Simba, oh gawd. 

Lesson learned this week is to get my computer and WiFi fixed. You can't get anything done without the internet. UGH. 

valerie, banners, flowers, and dad

Saturday, February 1, 2014


heyyy bloggers! lol right now i'm watching Mulan, so obsessed with
"I'll make a man out of you". BE A MAN! This week we started finishing up the dances for orientation, (its pretty funny when we practice and try to make new moves). Yearbook pages were due this week, glad my page was pretty much done. So I made cookies this week and period six liked it so I guess i'm going to be making more lol. So I went to KMS during Wednesday again, it was okay. We finished building our Solar Cars for STEM, now all I need to do to raise my grade up is to take the retake quiz. I finally finished my media essay for English, I actually like how my essay turned out. Oh yea, and we got new students in my team. I don't really remember much of this week so, yeah.... 

My highlight of the week was when my cousins came over during Friday. For some reason the topic we were talking about was eyebrows and how we remove the hair (waxing, shaving, plucking, threading, etc.). And then my cousin, Vheejay, was like "I wonder how it feels like to do your eyebrows. Lyn can you pluck my eyebrows." lol so I did and he was tearing up but when I finished he was like "OMG my eyebrows are so clean, SMOOTH!" GAAAYY!

The lesson learned this week was some people will go far in order to help you, while some will just drag you down instead. On Wednesday, when I went to get my NJHS teacher evaluation from one of my teachers, she wasn't there cause of a meeting so I ended up leaving with only one teacher evaluation. But on Thursday night, I got a text message from her saying that she's okay with meeting up with me on the weekends to give me the evaluation. And that's when I realized that some people out there will be willing to take an extra step in order to help you. 

cookies, eyebrows, yearbook, a cool rainbow thing and korey.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


So my my wifi is being ratchet to me right now and won't let me connect to the internet on my laptop and my keyboard doesn't work on my desktop because someone spilled orange juice on it so I'm going to be doing this blog on my iPad. But the problem with that is I won't be able to upload pictures, UGGGHHH! lol, nvm I SOLVED THE PROBLEM (good job April). Okay, shut up April. LOL, enough about me ranting. So this week was supposed to be my break week but there wasn't enough people working so I worked after school sales, but I'm ok with I guess. Maliah and I finished drawing our orientation banners, all we need to do now is outline and color it. So we took our science HSA this week and I'm not really proud of my score, in my defense we didn't learn half of things on the HSA. But for the next test I'll get a better score, promise. For Social Studies our fake invention actually got a good response. It was a weightless/shrink ray thingy. For English, we started writing our media essay, I'm doing mines on the beauty industry. I finally got my grade up for STEM, self five. So right now were working on our final designs on our solar cars. For leadership we had another life lesson called "Building Your House".

My highlight of the week was getting to see my friends in Kalakaua during Friday. After all the stress from school, it was nice I got to see my friends after a looooooooong time. I've missed so many things about Kalihi (Ewa is still awesome guys!). I'm going back on Wednesday, hopefully I get to stay longer.

The lesson learned this week is bonds never truly break. So I've been a bad friend. I haven't been talking to my friends in Kalihi. I haven't contacted them for months. But when I went to visit, it was nice to know that nothing change. I'm still part of their 'family'

banners, doctors, gurgling noises, and family selfies

Building Your House

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?

Mr. Ing is reading this to us because it's the 3rd quarter and people are making more problems on top of other problems. Instead of fixing it now, we just wait for the answer to slap us in the face. We expect the answer to be given to us which causes the problem to drag on. 

What does this have to do with Leadership?

This has to do with Leadership because over time, when people are in the program for too long they end up doing sloppy work instead of doing their best. So we all need a reminder that we all need to do our best.

Lesson learned.

The lesson I learned from this story is that no matter what the project is, do your best. It could be your first job or last, but always give it your all. In the end you might get something good out of it. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Weeelp....another boring, normal week (kinda). Well to start of the week my job was T.V., then a new period 2 was formed so I also had to work afterschool sales. I really liked tv this week because we kept making terrible puns to start the broadcast *awkward HA HA HA*. We couldn't use computers or anything this week so we coudn't make intros. Korey thought of going live for it but we just used the computer for the alma mater. So Maliah and I finally started on our orientation banners. The problem with that was the banner was to big so it kept falling every time we projected something and started drawing (i'm pretty sure its Jah's and Jayde's fault jk). So I need to bring my grades up, specially for STEM.....bleeeh. I applied for NJHS but I still didn't turn in the packet. I finally finished my i'm still in book hangover/breakup mode. I finally finished Ghost, lol time to wait for the next one to continue the game. 

The highlight of my week was I guess finishing my game and book. Sigh, it really has been a boring week for my highlight to be this. The game was okay I guess (thats only because I enjoy first person shooting games too much lol) and the book was awesome because I get to attached to objects too much. UGH, fangirl problems. 

The lesson learned this week was to have communication. You're never going to get group work done without communication. So there's been a lot of group work being done in most of my classes and there's not really much communication in my English class because were all awkward with each other. 

COD: Ghost, tv and jah