Saturday, April 12, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! This week was Orientation week. All the practicing is finally paying off, YESH! I also suffered from a canker sore this week, and I still am even today. But i'm hashtag over it. So Tuesday, Thursday and Thursday night were orientations. On Monday in Algebra we had to present our own lesson. I kinda felt so bad because I didn't do a good job because my nerves got to me. I'm sorry group. I'm hoping that second chance Mr. Shim talked about actually happens. In STEM, I missed the evaluation thing and now I need to try raising my grade up because i'm trying to get a 4.0 again this quarter. So in Social Studies we had our vocab test. I missed two words because I switch the definitions around. Man, so close to having a perfect score. Then in Science I did something similar again. We took a test on stars and Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto said I was the only one in my period that got an A. My score was so close to getting a perfect score but I wrote down color instead of temperature. We also went outside for class on Friday. We did a small scale of the solar system, and i'm pretty sure that I did the math incorrectly. In English, we took a CFA, and I think she said it was our last one. Idk, I kind of wasn't paying attention. So we got the scores back from our Explore test and overall I got a good score which was a 20. 

I didn't really have a highlight this week so i'll just talk about my lowlight which is pretty obvious. This canker sore is a pain in the butt. I know i'm complaining to much about it but sigh. Oh I tried to make French macaroons today but I failed because the meringue wasn't the right consistency. I'll try again, I need to perfect that ish.  

My lesson learned this week is if I practice frequently I can memorize something. So if I keep repeating something for a time period I remember it. I always had trouble memorize stuff because i'm a forgetful person. Now I have a method that can help me. 

my failed macaroons, Laila in Google maps, me in the career poster, my Explore test results, Maliah in a box, and Maliah and I in a tire.

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