Saturday, April 5, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! So this week was a very productive week. I had music this week and Jayde was filling in for Jahlyssa because she had to pass out forms. This whole week we had to practice Orientation in homeroom, lunch and sometimes even after school. On Wednesday, we had Graduation meeting. We had to take down notes because we're going to be the ones answering the questions for parents who didn't attend. When we were passing out papers and waiting for families to arrive, Jayde and I kept playing around and she was like "April, do you need a hug" or something like that and then she slapped me, lol it was pretty funny. Then on Friday we had Jamba Juice Sale for NJHS. We ran out pretty fast and some people didn't even get to buy because we expected less people. Since this was such a good sale, i'm pretty sure we're going to plan another one. Friday was also full dress rehearsal after school for Orientation. Oh yea and by the way, remember how I said I was the narrator for the fashion show and I needed to memorize the script? Well I did! Yea I might pause for like a second and mess up in few parts but I still remembered most of the things I need to say. I need to work on not being awkward and just act naturally. Maliah suggested I should use hand gestures because I just stand there stiffly with my hands clasp in front of me. Also, I need to get used to wearing the mic because it's still very weird for me and sometimes I sound to soft because of the placement. Moving on to my classes, in English were talking about the Holocaust and were watching 'The Diary of Anne Frank' and 'Life Is Beautiful'. In Social Studies, we're still working on that company thing. In Algebra, were learning the same old stuff, you know, math lol. In STEM, were now building our houses for 'Keep the Heat Out'. In Science, we took our HSA and I got 348! Yes, its way better than my last score which was 295 and I passed my last year score that was 343.  

My highlight this week was MY BIRTHDAY! If you didn't know then yes my birthday was this Thursday. Ew, i'm getting closer to my death. Lol my cousin hates birthdays because she thinks she's getting older or getting closer to the day we die. So we're not holding a party this year because we're going to the Philippines this summer and we need to save money as much as possible. So all we did was go out to dinner (and my parents just ordered something online for me). Nothing beats people cooking and serving for you!

The lesson learned this week is practice makes perfect. Yea its a very well known lesson but it really helped me this week. When I found out I was going to be the narrator for Orientation I was psyched but also worried that I wouldn't memorize the script on time. But since we kept practicing and I kept reading the script on my free time and before I knew it, I didn't need to read the script anymore. Now I just need to work on the flow of when I speak because sometimes it doesn't sound right.

so the lighting at the restaurant made my hair really light, but i actually like it 

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