Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Personal Display Boards

So this week we did a reflection of our assignment called "Personal Display Board". So basically this board is supposed to be about us. It needed 10 items that reference to 'leadership'. We had a limit of 1 picture and 1 blog. And at the end, we had to make a write up with the answers to the questions; "what is this item?", "why is this important?/why did you chose this?", and "how did it change you?/what were you before and after?." This is assignment is about us, psshh it'll be easy. EL OH EL, #no. So yea it was easy all you needed to do was get your item answer the question and then paste in on your board. Although it wasn't that troublesome, I put a lot of thought into my items. And I kind of had trouble finding some of the papers since my room is a mess. So my items were (not in any specific order): 1. my leadership acceptance letter, 2. NJHS acceptance letter, 3. biocube, 4. NJHS induction ceremony picture, 5. STEM projects, 6. retreat blog, 7. all access video, 8. quarter 3 report card, 9. orientation fashion show script, and 10. yearbook page. 

My highlight of this project would be 'reflecting.' Like Mr. Ing said reflecting is good. To me reflecting is like getting that alone time and thinking about "what you've done." My lowlight would be trying to find my items. So I looked everywhere for this one paper but I guess I lost it. But thank the heavens that my mom had a picture of it.

So the lesson learned from this assignment is 'its nice to see your achievements being displayed.' Seeing your achievements on show, shows that you haven't just been lazing around and doing nothing (as my mom says). Having a board of things you've done doesn't make you feel so much of a pathetic fool, lol. 

so me being me, i didn't have a picture of my board *slaps forehead and shakes head*, but i do have pictues of things that were on my board and such

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