Saturday, April 26, 2014


Heyy bloggers! So you're probably wondering what my title means but my week started off with Jayde saying that. It was too funny, Helen please, you never changed whatsoever. So this week we had afterschool sales and on Monday I went to work and I was the first one their so I was like "wow, maybe i'm early", but when I was setting up no one showed up and then the bell rang and I didn't even get the ice cream out. I thought I was going to be working alone but then Korey came so I was like phew saved by the bell. So yea . . . period 6 forgot we had afterschool sales but at least they showed up after when they saw me and Korey working. So moving on to other events, in Social Studies we're doing research on our next informative essay and I had no clue about what these topics were about so I just randomly chose one which is Antietam. In English, were making a persuasive essay about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. In STEM, we are now making our final design and starting to build our houses. In Science, were learning about galaxies now and were going to take a test soon. In Leadership, our personal display board was recently due, oh and Laila also made some fanfiction. Something different we had this week was we had Career Day. I had Mr. Kumia who was a Private Investigator. 

My highlight of the week is Career Day because first we had to skip a class and everyone is always happy when we get to skip classes. Also because its great seeing different types of careers and seeing how they work. And because I saw a dog and dogs make me happy. Oh and Friday after school we had to meet with the McDonald's manager for NJHS and Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto bought us food. 

My lesson learned this week is "I am destined for greatness". That's what I learned from Mr. Kumia. So unlike the other career speakers. He didn't talk about being a private investigator much but he based his sessions on talking about doing what ever you wanted and not letting fear get in your way because you may never know what's ahead of you. 

#KoreySelfies, Mr. Kumia, our ghetto tape, McDonald's and tying our shoes together

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