Saturday, May 3, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! This week was a pretty fun week. I had afterschool sales but most  of this week we didn't work because of Class Day and Banquet. Let me try remember what happened this week cause all I remember was last night. So in Science, i'm pretty sure we took our galaxy test and a critical read. So I got a 100% on the critical read and I think a 93% on the test. Oh and also we did a foldable about galaxies. I really liked class on Friday because Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto gave us the choice of studying for HSA or having like free time to do work and most of the class chose the latter. I didn't have anything to do so I did stuff for NJHS. Then for Algebra we finished up our HSA. Guess what I got? I got something around 370 something, lol sorry. I have like the worst memory. Then for Social Studies I think we turned in our essays about the battles of the American Civil War. In STEM, we built our house. Oh also since Mr. Ing had to live in Period 6's Leadership, Maliah, Jah, and I spent the whole hour shelving books, (Jayde went to make up work). I actually liked it. I was pretty relaxing since no one was there besides us and the librarians. We got to play our music and my OCD was on high mode, lol. 

My highlight of the week was Banquet. I actually had a good time. So the beginning part was awkward, but after I got more comfortable, I had a lot of fun. So riding there was really awkward cause I sat alone but during and going back was fun because I talked to people I don't normally talk outside of class. We played truth or dare on the ride back to school. I danced, lol, if you considered jumping with my hands up dancing lol. 

So my lesson learned this week is just let loose and don't be afraid because you are going to regret not doing it. Yea, i'm pretty sure I had lesson before but that's what my banquet felt like. Oh another lesson is we all need some quiet and alone time to ourselves because sometimes the company of others is tiring. You need alone time to think for your self. 

i saw a dead bird while walking back home 

just changing the marquee

we saw this dog inside the cage thingy in r building after school, it looked so sad :(

sitting alone in the bus, yes im coool


aleesha going crazy in the dance floor

nailed it

hot rollers but no i did not curl my hair for banquet . . . got to lazy

you look stoned

i really love this picture *.*, pic cr. to me

heyyyy qurl

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