Wednesday, May 28, 2014


So I'm at Tony Roma's guys and since it's graduation the food are like delayed, so I was like, I'm probably not going to have time to do it anyways so I'll just write it on my phone. Moving on, so we only have one more day of school left. I hope we stay in touch guys, I'm honestly going to miss each and everyone of you. No drift now. This quarter was a blast. A lot of things were done revolving around graduation. I still can't believe I graduated and now were going to highschool and I'm kind of scared (the whole 2 days after graduating kind of ruins the vibe though.) Summer is finally here but like I hate sweating so like can it snow? So this quarter we had recognition night, which went well buy could have been better. Then we finally had the actual graduation. The struggle this quarter was real, especially the Algebra final. I still haven't finished mines by the way. I'm glad I kept up with my grades, I would be so bummed out if I didn't get the grades I wanted because it's the last quarter and our last year in intermediate school. I'm sad this year is ending and I'm sad I didn't get my food yet while the rest of my table has there's. So towards the end of the year I actually made friends, and I started opening up to not just leadership people but outside as well. I have no idea if I'll make friends in high school. #hatingthatschoollife

I had so many highlights of this quarter but I'll be talking about graduation because now we have another 4 more years of school before we can actually start our lives. So like I know it's intermediate and there's still highschool and college graduation but graduating intermediate was like finally padding the "kid" phase. My lowlight this quarter wad the Algebra final. Yes I know you're sick and tired of me mentioning it but I seriously don't know half of the content on that test and like I'm pretty sure my score is going to be so low.

I also had many lesson learned this quarter but one that sticks out the most is that there are many chapters we have in our lives, many pages symblosing the days and tomorrows we still have so its okay to screw up once in a while. We're still young and learning so just do the best you can for now.

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