Saturday, May 10, 2014


I am so sorry my title sounds mean but I actually had a good time. To start of this week, I had lunch music, I don't really remember much about work though (besides the fact that it wasn't working during Monday). For my classes, in Science, we had HSA and my score . . . lowered. UGH! But at least I passed, but it was around the 320's. For Social Studies, we had group work about the compromises and we did a section assessment. In STEM, we tested our houses and we got the best efficiency with 14.35%, I think, but it was around there somewhere. Then in English, we presented our speech about that genocide in Darfur, Sudan. In Algebra, we went back to doing our usual stuff. But the Finals are coming up soon and i'm pretty sure i'm going to fail! Then for my Leadership period, we finished up our reflections for our boards. Ok so i'm pretty sure that's all my classes, (oh gosh, I just noticed I use the words "pretty sure" in my blog too much). This week was a very productive week for me because of NJHS. So Megan and I are in charge of basically every activity (because our President and Vice President do so much, NOT!), so we always have to do the preparing and planning. So all the games in McNite, we have to build the booths, with the help of the members of course. MAKE SURE YOU GUYS COME!!! Last Friday night (lol yup Katy Perry reference), I went Graduation shopping and I saw Megan, lol. Today, I also went to a senior care home.

My highlight of the week was going to Franciscan Vistas Ewa. The wonderful lady that I got to visit was Mrs. Agustin ( i'm hoping I spelled that right). She was really nice and her husband was pretty funny. The place was also beautiful. After visiting them, I felt so relaxed and peaceful and happy. I don't know man, there something about visiting senior housings because its so quiet and there so fun to talk to. It's sad that their children don't even visit or call them. I was doing this for my community service project but I would actually like to visit them for fun. 

The lesson learned this week that stood out the most was "hardships mature you". I learned this from visiting the senior home. She was talking about her past life and she said that kids nowadays aren't mature as the kids back then since we got things easy for us. She was from the Philippines and she lived in the country side. It was sad when she talked about that. 

visiting Mrs. Agustin

Gerald as a girl

NJHS, me, korey and matthias' s comment tho

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