Saturday, May 17, 2014


This was actually a pretty good week. So we had recess music this week and don't you hate it when people complain about music, so rude. Be grateful were actually doing this for your entertainment. My classes this week was ok, I guess. In Social Studies we just watched a movie called "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and answered some questions about the movie. In Science, were doing a group project about one of the celestial components of Earth and explain how it's a unified system and stuff. In Algebra, we did some work and then we had a free class day on Friday. In STEM, my group had to present our houses to the class and then for the rest of the class were doing our reflections about our experience in STEM. In English, we just went to the computer lab and did our STAR test and Achieve3000 test (does anybody actually go on teenbiz?). I also had the McNite this week Wednesday. I didn't expect that much people to actually come and play our games. Oh gosh, while doing this McNite thing, we had people outside the drive through with a box for donations and this band parent did the same thing and like told us to go away and that they were here first and they also like put donation boxes at the cashier. That lady was impossible, we like explained that our organization, NJHS, planned this whole thing and that the band was only getting a portion of the profit but like she was being such a female dog about it and saying we need to leave the drive through area and that it was like the Bands stuff. So yea Ms. Seigaku had to go and talk to her and even Mr. Hayashi didn't know about her and like had to apologize to us after. We also had Jamba Juice sold during Friday. Then the long planned Period 6 sleepover finally happened. Lol, you don't know how long we said we would do this but like it never happened until now. So like at Friday we all walked to Korey's house then Jah's and i'm pretty sure I got a blister, thankfully, Jah's mom drove us to Maliah's place. 

I actually have 3 highlights from this week. First would be from one of my leadership periods. Jah was practicing her speech and she had to call out names and my name was first and when she called it out Jayde was like "YEAAAA!!!!", lol idk it was funny. Then we took polaroid pictures and when it was Laila and Korey's turn it came out blank. Coincidence? I think not! Then on Wednesday we had McNite, just the whole was actually really fun. Towards the end when we all finished working we went to the drive through for the donations and like everyone was just crazy. Then on Friday we had the official Period 6 sleepover. We had to walk to everyone's house and people from school was at Jah's place and it was awkward. We were playing foosball and Korey and I actually won (ok so maybe there was some cheating involved). While waiting for Jayde we lost Jah in the process. Then we played Just Dance on the Kinect and we ate most of the time actually. Korey, Maliah and I played in the sprinkles at night. Then we watched a movie and I was so tired from walking that I fell asleep and when I woke up this morning my whole body was tired. Then we made breakfast and we burned everything. We took a walk this morning and we lost Jah and Jayde again. When I got home I was so tired that I went back to sleep.

The lesson learned this week is that I should just stick to academics cause I suck at athletic things lol. It's pretty self explanatory really. I actually wanna play a sport and like do stuff but like I suck and all. So it's not by choice, I think. 

that award company thing has really sassy packaging, polaroids, mcnite

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