Thursday, May 29, 2014


So it's finally over guys. I gained so many things from being in this program but I also lost something today. I'm going to miss staying in A101 during our own time (instead of spending them outside where I should be). I'm actually not satisfied of getting my "normal" life back, cause it won't fell normal (nah m'saying, LOL #NO). I'm honestly going to miss each and everyone of you guys. I still can't accept the fact that we are now going to high school (well 8th grade for you 7th graders). This was one of the best years I had in all my history of school years. I actually felt like I was taking the right path being here. Yes, there was moments when we all wanted to kill each other (it's a surprise that we hadn't all gone Hunger Games), but we all got along at every end of the day. So we're all a bunch of freaks forced to be molded together, but we all found similarities that caused us to become friends. Maybe some of our relationships are still awkward and not as deep as others, but i'm glad I got to know you guys. I'm glad I got accepted into the program. I learned more here than I could ever learn from a normal class. I'm going to carry on these things I learned here to the future. I wish I could have learned more. Mr. Ing, this was the first time I got a teacher like you. I get along with a lot of teachers and talk to them even when i'm not in class but you were something . . . but in a good way lol. I have a lot of teachers that praise me for doing good but you actually pushed us more than others because you know we could do much better than what we thought was our "best". 

There are too many highlights of this year to pin point individually. But I enjoyed retreat, because it was nice to not have any devices. We all had to find something to do so we weren't bored and that caused us to bond. I enjoyed playing the card games and crab hunting (ok maybe not so much when we had to kill them). I'm definitely going to miss having food served when I wake up. Sheila i'm still never forgetting the time when you opened the shower curtains while I was showering. Then we had the field trip to Ala Moana. That was fun guys. That was the longest I had ever gone shopping. The fireworks wasn't as extravagant as I thought it would be but looking back now it seemed very cool. Then we had small memories that happened in A101. For example today, I had never seen such hardcore musical chairs. That was the closest we had to a Hunger Games. 

The overall lesson learned this whole year is that everyone comes and goes into your life. There are multiple entrances and exits to go through, but it doesn't matter when they enter or leave your life but what matters is the time you spent with them. I know this is  a goodbye but not really. I hope I get to see you all again. I'll be seeing some of you next next year in high school and hopefully I get invited back. I'm going to cherish these memories with you all and I hope you do the same for me. 

period 6 (missing the other 2; Jah and Jayde)

the most intense musical chairs you will ever see

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