Thursday, March 13, 2014


Wow, is it really the end of the quarter already? One more day left till Spring Break, phew. Is it safe to say that this quarter was by far the easiest? So we had some lows in the beginning but with how smooth the way things are going right now, I think we've redeemed ourselves. This quarter we really had to step our game up with the yearbook. I'm just glad that were done with that problem now. Spirit week passed by just like that. We didn't really have any big problems with anything, everything was just like yea.... I'm expecting a 4.0 this quarter, hopefully nothing big changes on my grades. So I kind of don't want this quarter to end but nothing lasts forever. Feeling really anxious about what next quarter brings and the challenges and changes it will come with. Oh, lol haha Kalihi April finally came out guys. I guess i'm even more comfortable with you guys XD. 

The highlights of my quarter were definitely NJHS and spirit week. So last school year I applied for NJHS, but I didn't get in. So when I got in this year it was such a big accomplishment! I actually felt like I did something good for my parents. So it was my first year in doing spirit week and it was sfbhjbajksb;bvgjgbdjavdkhbgfdf awesome! Can't believe how much spirit this school has, wish it was the same everywhere else. 

My favorite lesson learned this quarter was "Being a leader isn't about ability. It's about responsibility." So there are a lot of good qualities a leader needs to have in order to lead people. But if you're leader is not responsible enough, then hell it doesn't matter how much ability he has (kind of). 

NJHS Induction Ceremony

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