Monday, March 10, 2014

Spirit Week.

So Spirit Week was last week. It was a pretty fun week, I guess. So the first day was sports day which was pretty easy. All I remembered from that week was team 8-3 starting of the penny wars and chain links and they also got the most dress outs (oh and that Laila brought the first canned goods which was one can of vienna sausage). Then on Tuesday it was inside out day. I thought everyone would most likely dress out since it was the easiest out of all the other dress outs but it was mostly 8-3 again. On Wednesday was when things started to get real. It Hawaii day and I think 8-3 got the most dress outs with like 90 something. People were starting to get pretty heated over penny wars and chain links. It was pretty funny because there was always a crowd in front of our station. 8-2 started to get into the game too. They brought plenty boxes of ramen.  On Thursday was Military day, this was my favorite out of the dress out days. So Mr. Shim put a hundred on everyones jar and everyone went crazy after that, he also brought 65 boxes of vienna sausage. So the chain links were getting too long so we just ended up tallying it instead of making them (when we threw the links away i became a black veil bride lol most of you will probably not get this). So on Friday was team color day and it was the only day that I say most of the people starting to dress out for their teams. We had the team dance off thing and I really didn't who won that one. So team cheer off everyone was saying 8-1 should've won but i'm pretty sure everyone was saying that for their own team. When we had the relay race it was the funniest thing. I really wanted to ride the bikes but 8-3 wouldn't stop celebrating. So last period of the day but it seemed like 8-3 had a free period because they were still celebrating even before they found out who won.

My highlight of the week was Thursday because it was my favorite dress out day and because it was when things started to get real. My lowlight of the week was when people were starting to fight because of penny wars. Guys this is for a good cause and to show spirit not who's going to win.

So my suggestion for a new activity would be, I know we already do this a lot but there should be a music challenge. We could play multiple songs at the same time and people can try to guess all the songs playing. OR play a mashup of songs and people have to list as much songs they heard. 

For dress out, I suggest something easy that everyone would already have. Like holiday day where you can dress as any holiday or even nerd day cause yea... But I really want a Fandom day! You can have anything fan related (fangirls and fanboys unite!). 

Overall I really liked spirit week. I heard a lot of people saying this was better than last years but I really can't say since I wasn't here. What should be done differently is dress out. Some people were too lazy and just didn't care. When we explaining to the advisory classes we said 3 things to wear and I guess the were just like "I ain't doing that" so maybe next time clear it up with the students as well as with us. 

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