Sunday, February 23, 2014


Heyyyyy bloggers! So I'm watching Doctor Who right now and I swear it would be 100000000000000000x much better if I had a British accent (and even more annoying than usual). This week was a pretty short week but it was filled with a lot of excitement. So in STEM, it's competition time where we have to race the groups in our periods and race head to head against the fastest in each period. So our group went pretty far. All we need to do is fix our fallen motor and race one more group. In Social Studies, were working on this project about the Westward Movement and I don't really like it (lol I don't really like anything in that class). In Science, we took a big test, I did ok and plus I had extra credit points. In Math, we took the practice explorer test. Sigh, if only I had more time (and a smarter brain). So this week was the practice dress out week, and let me tell you it was pretty BAD.

My highlight of the week was today cause I got to go to Ala Moana. We just walked around for a little bit and we didn't buy much but it was nice to get a break from this week. Oh yea and I also got new glasses guys. Now I have like 2 backups. 

The lesson learned this week was if we don't set good examples then who is exactly going to follow. So were not really putting much effort in our dress up. C'mon guys, let's step up our game. 

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