"I'll make a man out of you". BE A MAN! This week we started finishing up the dances for orientation, (its pretty funny when we practice and try to make new moves). Yearbook pages were due this week, glad my page was pretty much done. So I made cookies this week and period six liked it so I guess i'm going to be making more lol. So I went to KMS during Wednesday again, it was okay. We finished building our Solar Cars for STEM, now all I need to do to raise my grade up is to take the retake quiz. I finally finished my media essay for English, I actually like how my essay turned out. Oh yea, and we got new students in my team. I don't really remember much of this week so, yeah....
My highlight of the week was when my cousins came over during Friday. For some reason the topic we were talking about was eyebrows and how we remove the hair (waxing, shaving, plucking, threading, etc.). And then my cousin, Vheejay, was like "I wonder how it feels like to do your eyebrows. Lyn can you pluck my eyebrows." lol so I did and he was tearing up but when I finished he was like "OMG my eyebrows are so clean, SMOOTH!" GAAAYY!
The lesson learned this week was some people will go far in order to help you, while some will just drag you down instead. On Wednesday, when I went to get my NJHS teacher evaluation from one of my teachers, she wasn't there cause of a meeting so I ended up leaving with only one teacher evaluation. But on Thursday night, I got a text message from her saying that she's okay with meeting up with me on the weekends to give me the evaluation. And that's when I realized that some people out there will be willing to take an extra step in order to help you.
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