Saturday, January 18, 2014


Weeelp....another boring, normal week (kinda). Well to start of the week my job was T.V., then a new period 2 was formed so I also had to work afterschool sales. I really liked tv this week because we kept making terrible puns to start the broadcast *awkward HA HA HA*. We couldn't use computers or anything this week so we coudn't make intros. Korey thought of going live for it but we just used the computer for the alma mater. So Maliah and I finally started on our orientation banners. The problem with that was the banner was to big so it kept falling every time we projected something and started drawing (i'm pretty sure its Jah's and Jayde's fault jk). So I need to bring my grades up, specially for STEM.....bleeeh. I applied for NJHS but I still didn't turn in the packet. I finally finished my i'm still in book hangover/breakup mode. I finally finished Ghost, lol time to wait for the next one to continue the game. 

The highlight of my week was I guess finishing my game and book. Sigh, it really has been a boring week for my highlight to be this. The game was okay I guess (thats only because I enjoy first person shooting games too much lol) and the book was awesome because I get to attached to objects too much. UGH, fangirl problems. 

The lesson learned this week was to have communication. You're never going to get group work done without communication. So there's been a lot of group work being done in most of my classes and there's not really much communication in my English class because were all awkward with each other. 

COD: Ghost, tv and jah

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