Lesson 1: Cleaning Lady
Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
For us to know how to treat people properly. We should always be kind to others, no matter who the person is.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
In leadership, its important to know the people you're working with.
Lesson learned.
Every person is important, their job, position, etc. doesn't matter. You must treat others nicely.
Lesson 2: Pickup In The Rain
Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
We need to know that we have to help people in need.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We have to help each other out when we're working so we can get the job done faster. Also students/teachers expect us to help.
Lesson learned.
It doesn't matter who the person is, their race, sexuality, etc., you should always help someone who needs it.
Lesson 3: Always Remember Those Who Serve
Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
we have to think about everyone working, because their job is just as important as others.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We serve students during our jobs and we have to know how to act in front of them.
Lesson learned.
In order to give something back we have to lose another thing too.
Lesson 4: The Obstacle In Our Path
Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
There will be obstacles in life but there is always a way to solve it.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
There are many obstacles in leadership, so we need to overcome and face them.
Lesson learned.
Instead of complaining about your 'obstacle', just do it. In the end you might get something back from it.
Lesson 5: Giving When It Counts
Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
We need to learn to volunteer when something very critical comes up.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We'll need ti sacrifice something in order to do work.
Lesson learned.
Giving is important. It makes you feel good inside and also makes others happy as well.