Saturday, December 21, 2013


Yayyyyy, WINTER BREAK!!!!!!! My job this week was music. This week was a really laid back week. We didn't do much besides Winter Fair. For social studies, I actually liked what we did on our last class, which was extra credit work. All we had to do was raise the white board with the correct answer for the questions, we worked in groups and my group had the most points so we had the highest extra credit. For math, we played a bingo game using square roots. Science we just watch Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. In English, we just finished up our graphic novel. In STEM, we started working on our next project. And in period 6, we had a DS competition.

The highlight of my week was obviously Winter Fair. I actually enjoyed working more than spending my money XD. So we went to play with the flour/snow thing and Sheila threw one on my face lololol. I ended sniffing flour up my nose. After we finished ended up looking like old ladies. Another one of my highlights is during period 6 when we brought our nintendos and we played super mario bros. 

This weeks lesson learned is don't have hope on something too much, you'll end up being disappointed instead. So I was supposed to go to Cali with my cousins on Christmas, it didn't end up happening and I just ended up sulking. So yea, at least I learned my lesson.

ds, mario games, car washes, COD and cousins

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Merry "Khrizz"mas from Period 6!
Guess what guys? Another quarter down, lol two more to go. Just one more day left to go. And like Christmas is only 6 days away and like the year is about to end in 2 weeks. I don't know what to say about this quarter, it was as equally as challenging as the previous quarter but this quarter was full of problems. This quarter we had more changes than usual. So on my last quarterly blog I said I would stop being such a procrastinator, will this quarter I still procrastinated but at least it wasn't like last quarter.  

Korey tho.
A lesson I learned this quarter and which pretty much sums this quarter would be dragging on the problem and making them bigger. No matter how many problems we face, it always goes back to that one problem that started it all. Like the weeds on the front yard of our school, to kill them, you have to target the root and its better to get rid of them when there are only a couple at first, rather than having to get rid of hundreds and hundreds of them later on. So basically, get rid of the problem immediately before it gets out of hand. 

Jah, lol your smile.
One of the moments that I loved about this quarter was ISA, specially basketball and bowling. I really liked basketball because although it was hot, I really like how we got to relax and make more memories in the end. I also liked bowling because even if it was a competition and we didn't win, it was like a hang out with your best friends and it was funny when we got back at Ilima. 

i don't know what i was doing?
I'm really looking forward to next quarter and all the challenges awaiting for me (hopefully I don't fall back). I can't hold any promises that it will be much easier since i've had a little bit more experience but i'm expecting that I if I do face a problem i'll know what to do. 

This picture cracks me up the most.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Wassuuuup bloggers! It's the end of the week again. Yaaay, one more week to go till winter break! This week was a blur so let me try remembering things. To start off this week, my job was recess music. In English, were making our comic strips for 'The Giver', and believe it our not my partner is Daisy. In Social Studies, were learning about the Lewis and Clark expedition. For Science, were learning about the layers of Earth's atmosphere, winds and the water cycle. For Algebra, were having free time (yea that's right we did our final exam already XD). And lastly in STEM, were doing our second design for our water filter.

My highlight of the week was Friday. We went to ISA bowling and it was the ish bro. I'm pretty average in bowling, but everyone was like hitting the 100s and 200s and then there's us, Ilima. EL OH EL. Maliah was pretty god for a first timer. Even though we were competing with other schools, us 8th graders were competing against each other too. When we came back we were playing with our phones (we didn't want to go to period 1). When we were playing 'heads up', the word apple came up so I was "its what I am" (since its my nickname and my instagram and blogger) but Jah said "CHINESE!" and we were all laughing lol.

The lesson learned this week was "monkey see, monkey do". So during bowling on our first game about halfway to it, some people were putting up their bumpers. We didn't even notice it until Aleesha asked us if we wanted to put ours up (I didn't even know they existed until she pointed at it). So we did but we got into trouble and ended up taking it down (but the other people still had theirs). So this lesson is exactly like "we are not followers". 

kendams, classroom selfies, cutting hair and longboards

Saturday, December 7, 2013


heyyy guys! welp, nothing much happened this week but it was a pretty okay week (i guess). So this week we had afterschool sales. I wasn't feeling well this whole week. I had to go home on Tuesday which sucked because I missed a lot on my classes. On Monday I completely forgot about the sign waving (GAAAHHH).  My classes are slowly starting to end (i still can't believe the quarter is about to end). For math, were reviewing and getting ready to take our Final Exam, STEM were finishing up our Water Filters. This week we started putting up Christmas decorations. I love how A101 turned out. 

My highlight of the week was decorating the Christmas tree (both home and A101) and during one of our period 6. I always enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree, there was always that feeling of home and magic lol. Ok so during period 6, we went to A102 and Korey just start to spin on the table and everyone started doing it lol. It looked weird hahahah. Maliah lol i'm sorry but you tried. 

Lesson learned this week was try and stay healthy during school days because the things you miss when you're gone are always important (STUPID ESSAY!). 

assasin's creed, KHRIZZmas tress, and photobombing jah

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Wasssuup guys! Hell yeah four day weekend, whoop whoop! My job this week was afterschool sales. This week went by fast (lol maybe its because we only had 3 days of school). I actually enjoyed this week in school (even my classes, well except math because i suck in math). This week was kinda bad because I was sick and when I get sick it gets really bad because I rarely get sick. And i'm still kind of sick now.     

The highlight of my week was Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Thanksgiving because of food (lol) and Black Friday because  expensive things for less. But really Thanksgiving because the whole family gets together and then at midnight we go crazy to go to places xD.

The lesson learned this week is it shouldn't just be on Thanksgiving to be thankful for things. Everyday we should be thankful of stuff, even for the simplest things. We should be thankful for waking up and that were breathing. You know what i'm saying?

measuring cup cup, gamer mouses, kendama and mik mik

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Heyyyyy bloggers! What a week! During Sunday, I went hiking with my cousins at Maunawili Falls. The trail was muddy and us kids fell the most but it was worth it because the falls was cold and refreshing (btw I didn't jumped from that high place but I jumped but like close to the waterfall). Going back to school, I started off my week with my job, which was T.V. All I remember from my other classes was taking more test and doing our 3rd CFA. We also had to work for book fair (which was like heaven for me because you know, books lol), then we had soccer shoot out. It was short so I liked it, I still can't believe I made the goal XD. Then on Thursday we had our Flu shots taken (oh how I hate needles). Finally today (Saturday), we had campus beautification (we got food at the end so it was all good).

My highlight of the week was of course during Sunday. The hike was awesome and I got a pretty good amount of exercise. Then we went out to eat and gained back all the fat we burned. To end the night we went to watch 'Thor'. OMAAGAAAH LOKI (fan girl scream)! EL OH EL, I wanted to watch 'Ender's Game', but I guess i'll watch it some other time.

The lesson learned this week was walk slowly. Pretty dumb lesson right, but you need it during hiking. Gerald was the first one to fall (you deserved that for going ahead of the rest of us), then Valerie fell like every 5 minutes. Then on the way back, Glydel and I finally fell. There was no point in swimming when you're going to get dirty afterwards. 

Maunawili Falls Hike :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013


This week was pretty normal. We didn't have school on Monday, whoop whoop only 4 days of school! My job this week was IDs ( i swear when 6A works we have like no new students or people coming to buy IDs). When it was time to go back to school I had to take like a bunch of test since I missed some cause I was working for ISA. For Social Studies, were still learning about political stuff, Science were learning waves (which is pretty useless), Math were still on 3D figures and English were still reading The Giver (i already read the book so why do i have to read it again?!). This whole week we were preparing for the evacuation on Friday. Oh yeah guys I found a dead butterfly and i'm keeping it because i'm weird like that. And on Friday we had the evacuation. Did I mention that I HATE WALKING!? lol, anyways the people in my building were really funny. There was a girl who kept complaining about bugs in the grass and she kept screaming "AAAHHHH COCKROACH!". I'm sorry but girl they're smaller than you and you can just step on them and they die, girl its your fault for wearing sandals. I FINALLY GOT THE BOOK I WANTED WHICH IS ALLEGIANT! 

My highlight of the week was spending time with my family during the weekends. I don't know, I guess because my parents work so much that we barely have any time to actually have family time. 

My lesson learned this week was family is always there for you. When I was having some family bonding (gosh im going to be so deep on this one) it just felt like 'home'. You know that feeling where it doesn't matter where you are but as long as you're with the people you love it feels just like back home. LOL yea you probably don't get it. 

allegiant feels and hi maliah and jayde

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Heyyyy bloggers! Can you feel that, yes its SWEATER WEATHER! This week was a pretty interesting week. First off, my job was recess music. Classes were pretty normal this week, nothing special happening. For Leadership, we were planning for ISA, me and Maliah had to make the banners for school. It was pretty frustrating when we found out Nanakuli wasn't coming, it was the first banner that was done (in my opinion it was the best too). We ended up finishing the banners on time and they looked pretty nice. ISA was a pretty successful event, we had less people working (because of an event with some 7th graders) but it was all good. My job for ISA was basketball scorekeeper. I was worried I would get the schools mixed up but it didn't happen (thank god). I only made one mistake lol, I accidentally turned the 4 to other side so it ended up being 40 instead of 04, at least someone told me (hahahahahah). I also liked my spot, although it was farther apart from the other scorekeepers it was the best spot. It was Maliah's and Aleesha's last pick but they didn't know that the sun wasn't facing my face lol. We also had a mini job which was to lead the schools, mines was Waianae. 

My highlight of the week was ISA. We were pretty tired after the event but at least we didn't go back to class, we got period 3 off and relaxed in Leadership the whole time. We ate pizza and pizza always makes everything better. I actually liked my job, it one of the easy jobs. Just sitting there watching boys play basketball and turning the scores. EL OH EL.

The lesson learned this week was think about what you're going to do first before actually doing it. Some 7th graders made the mistake of cheating on AR which caused the whole Leadership class to do story maps before taking an AR test. They also lost Mr. Ing's trust and they couldn't work on ISA.

archery, isa, jah and kevin?

Saturday, November 2, 2013


So this week was pretty okay. It was another normal week. My job was lunch music. Maliah and I started making our banners for ISA. Nothing much happened this week (well i dont remember much). Oh I reach my AR, yaay now I gotta reach the other bars. This years Halloween wasn't as fun as I thought it would be (lol its because i dont know the places here yet). LOL, but thats okay because I got candaaaaaay. For my costume, I was a nerd but then I wore cat ears so I became a Nerdy Cat lol. But when we went trick-or-treating I went as Shana from Shakugan no Shana (she has red hair and a sword and i have red hair and i borrowed my cousins sword).

My highlight of the week was Halloween (obviously). It was pretty tiring walking around but we got candy and I spent time with my friends so it was worth it. Next year I need to plan who i'm dressing up as ( it was crazy doing last minute costumes lol).When we got home, I immediately went to sleep. Walking is so tiring, lol and it was only like 9:40 something. 

Lesson learned this week was STAY HOME FOR HALLOWEEN. Walking around for hours is not for me. Next year, i'll just buy a bag of candy and watch some scary movies. 


Sunday, October 27, 2013


I don't really know what I want guys lol :) I guess some kind of statement beanies (you know the ones with words on them, lol search it up if you still don't get it). OR you could get me a spiked hat. You can get them for cheap in amazon. 

ok here's one that i really wanted for a long time
You can also get me this if you want. CLICK HERE!! lol don't judge me XD anyways BYE!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Wasssup guys! Well this has been an interesting week. So my job this week was still afterschool sales. This week was a pretty normal week. We put up our Halloween posters and flyers. We also drew names for the Secret Santa. During advisory, we took team pictures (I bet everyone in the picture looked lost or something).  So there's not really much to say. Oh yea, we also volunteered on helping plant grass out in the front yard of the school. 

My highlight of the week was today during the volunteer. Yes it was pretty tiring (as soon as I got to my room I was knocked out and woke up at 3 something) but it was worth it. It was really fun. The holes and the peices of grass looked like a game but we learned that I have bad aiming skills xD. The a/c rooms felt really nice after sweating so much. LOL, my sweat looked like my tears sometimes.  After that we all went home and it wasn't until I got to the door to realized that I LEFT MY KEYS IN MY ROOM! GAAAAH IM SO STUPID SOMETIMES. Lol I had to wait for like 20 minutes for my parent to get back from Kunia. 

The lesson learned this week was hard work pays off. So we all know gardening ain't easy but it can be fun when you work with a lot of people. To me bonding is really hard. But working is one of the ways people get to know me better (weird right?).

hey look a camera

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Ew, back to schoool. So during Tuesday we went back to school from fall break. Ok guys this week was okay. My job was after school sales. This week a lot of things were done. We had to do a critical read for like every class, I had a test online for algebra. It wasn't that hard I guess. We started with our flyers and posters for Halloween and Talent show. One was due this yesterday which was Friday and the next one is due on Monday. I also went to the eye doctor today xD.

My highlight of the week was today. Idk this week was pretty boring. It was my highlight because after my appointment we went to go eat Jollibee XD. Food FTW!

The lesson learned this week was start using my eye drops more often lol. Idk, I rarely use it and I have dry eyes so yea... The doctor told me to use if my eyes were dry (but i don't cause im lazy XD). 

this was the only pic i had of this week
but if you notice a pic with the only green background thats me ^----^

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Whoop whoop, RETREAT! lol, ok retreat was fun! I really had a good time. We made memory jars and a mobile. I really enjoyed making the memory jars, it was cool. We had an interview (and i mess up a lot of times xD), we saw turtles and caught crabs (oh gaaawd, Cheana). We planned, a lot. I miss the house. The view was sooooo pretty. It would be so nice to wake up with that view everyday. And I actually miss waking up to food and eating every meal XD. The weather so good to. It was my type of weather. Cold, windy, if only it could snow. Talent show and Chopped was really funny. LOL, our last minute decision to add in sweaters and to take it off (we didn't even practice that part and I actually got it off). For Chopped, it was the first time we cooked Spaghetti Tacos. If only we could've added more flavoring to the sauce. Or made something much different from the other groups. We also had to make notes, positive notes about everyone. I really liked Jayde's envelope. I liked the rose. 

My highlight of the retreat was the relay race. It was pretty funny. If it was this ridiculous, then I wonder how it would look like with the whole school XD. I wish it would've been longer though. My other highlight was the extra time we had before leaving. Maliah's colony was pretty funny. LOL, I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL XD! Petriese, that was really funny! 

The lesson learned during retreat was werk it guuurl XD. No, but seriously just do it (lol nike). Go for it and try new things. Your only young for a while and you never know when your story ends. So its better to make an awesome book. You might end up regretting it in the future and I learned from my parents that it sucks to regret things. To do what you want but can't do it anymore because you missed the opportunity, that sucks.

our home slippers are kewl (:
fire places

pt 2


trees and stormy weather




potato smiles






jumping again

duck lips

duck lips 2.0


look its like stairs


Saturday, October 5, 2013


Lol guys I'm doing a blog in the car lol. So this week was the last week of school. It was another stressful week but I got through it YAAAAAAY. There wasn't really much about this week. Just some presentations, AR and test. But guess what guuuuys, FALL BREAK!!!!! Whoop whoop! So this week my job was tv. I got a lot of "I saw you on tv." again.

So my highlight of the week was the last day of school. Lolololol yupps. It's my highlight because I don't gotta worry about homework, waking up early and etc. This week was pretty boring so there isn't a lot to say.

My lesson learned this week was get things done, so that you're not rushing because the deadlines near. Yea it pretty much fit this whole week so okaaaay!


Thursday, October 3, 2013


OMMAAAGOSH GUYS, 1st quarter is already done! I can't believe we only have one more day of school left. So far this has been the hardest first quarter I've ever had. Being new to Ilima and being in the last year of middle school is pretty hard. Sometimes I feel as if i'm behind everyone else because they all learned these things last year while i'm just getting the hang of things. 

Although it was hard, it was a pretty good challenge. And I think its safe to say that I've won this challenge XD. I know next quarter won't be easier but at least I learned my lesson and I know what to expect from it. NO PROCRASTINATING! Come at me, bro!

Leadership really changed me. I learned that people are always watching and waiting for you to mess up. The teachers and students have higher expectations of you just cause you're in the program. Teachers expect you to be a good role model so we can set a good example to our peers. The students think that we're all "smart". Students not in the leadership program always tell me this, "oh, she's in leadership, of course she's smart." I understand that from the outside it might look like that, but if you really knew what was going on, you'd know that we are all working our butts off so we can reach our goals. AR was like a gazigjsdgjbillion times harder XD, grades couldn't be lower than a B and we also had to juggle our jobs with our school work. Yea guys we really are "smart".

Yea there's a lot of hard times but those funny leadership moments make up for it. WE WORK HARD, WE PLAY HARD! Its hard but there are a lot of moments that not many students get to experience. Those experiences are the type that make you look back and say "thank you" LOL cheesy much XD.  

i found more guys 


Saturday, September 28, 2013


hollaaaa guuuuys ;) So my job this week was back to IDs, dude i'm forgetting how to do things (GET YOURSELF TOGETHER APRIL!). This week was really filled with stress for me. We had to turn in our vlog videos during Tuesday, but I turned mines on Wednesday cause it wouldn't work. And on Thursday I had two tests. One was for algebra and I bet you I failed cause I blanked out and got confused. Tsk, such a waste of time from studying (PLEASE PLEASE, at least get some questions correct! gaaah). The other test was for science. It was all the lessons we learned so far into one test. I think I did pretty good. So for Friday period 1, we went to Campbell for the assembly. It was okaaay, I guess ( i think i turned deaf for a while from all the cheering). 

My highlight of the week was Beach Clean Up, which was today. My bag wasn't very filled up but at least I picked up some trash XD. Well there's not really much to say lol. We helped nature yaaay!

So the lesson learned this week was stop putting things off (or stop procrastinating)! So reason one was because of my video! Gaaah, I don't even wanna talk about it. The other thing was my AR, so I have 100% but I still need to reach my reading level thingy. 

During Beach Clean Up.
 I was trying to get sand out of my shoes and Kevin was helping me keep my balance.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


so this week, idk guys my brain isn't functioning (i just came back from a party lol) Ok, so my job this week was recess music. Out of all the jobs this is my favorite, specially when we have the song contests. This week was the last week of intramurals. It was okay, but some of the players didn't listen and every time we blew our whistle or went to talk to them they just kept doing it again. So we also had Welcome Social and barely anyone won at the ring toss game lol and I was laughing inside when people threw the darts above or below the board (lol to the person that got it stuck at roof thingy on top of the doors and window of the cafe). So no one was dancing except for when we did the group dance and most of the people were outside getting airbrush tattoos or on the bouncer and slide.  

So the highlight of my week was Welcome Social (lol i bet the people that had the most fun was leadership). The Welcome Social was okay (i wanted to stay on the water slide longer -___-) Another highlight of my week was today cause it was my best friend's birthday party guuys! I haven't seen my friends in a long time so of course I would enjoy this time with thme.

So the lesson learned this week is party like there's no tomorrow lol. So we were doing weird, crazy things at my friend's party and I realized that you should just have fun and enjoy today since not that much people are blessed with tomorrow (does that make sense 0.0 ?). We were having fun without any care in the world so yaahh WOOHOO! 

i dunno guys i found it on my phone and it was labeled this week lol

Saturday, September 14, 2013


lol guys okaaaay i'm at a party right now and I know its late but i'm going to do my blog ( and a creeper is behind me reading while I type ). Ok so moving on to this week, well there wasn't school on Monday, but I didn't have anything to do so it was pretty boring. Ok so school during Tuesday and so during STEM we finished our bridge even if one of us was absent WOOHOOO! ( i seem drunk lol im not dont worry xD) Mr. Shin even said it seems like we work better with just the two of us instead of three :) My job this week was lunch music. So this week we had flag football and I forgot to wear sunscreen so Allen kept on saying that my face was getting darker. And girls' basketball team was going to Kapolei for a game.

So my highlight of the week was Basketball at Kapolei Middle School ( lol even though it rained and we had to go back early ). So we played two games and it was with Kapolei and Waianae ( i think lol im so forgetful ). So we lost buts its okay i'm good lol, we cool we cool.

My lesson learned this week was its okay to lose it doesn't define who you are ( or your team ). Yea so our team lost but we didn't really care about it. It was fun playing and that's all that matters.

heyyyyyyy guysssssss were at a partaaaaay :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013


It's September guys!! Ok so moving on to this week. This week we practiced playing flag football. lol, so Korey and Laila ran into each other when we played and they were on the same team xD. Being a referee was okay, just need to focus a little bit more.  But the thing we were waiting for this whole week was our vlog day. It was so awkward at first but I started getting the hang of it. During class everyone was staring and I felt the need to whisper so I wouldn't disturb them (i don't think i was loud enough lol) My job this week was after school sales, again. During homeroom, we had a meeting and talked about prohibition and grades, it was scary O.O (not really). So now i'm my working my butt off so I wont get into prohibition again. So for STEM, were starting to build our bridges and I don't think my group is going to finish it on time (even though there's 3 of us). hahahahahahahah LOL, just thinking bout this still makes me laugh! Ok during advisory, Macky hahahahahah ok she made a stink bomb lol. So toward the ending of Friday in Ms. Liu's class we were talking about certificates and someone asked what was a Death Certificate, they asked if it was an award of death because certificates are usually awards XDDD omgaah, I was cracking up! During basketball practiced, we found out our team can somewhat win if there was food on the line ^-----^

So my highlight of the week was doing the vlog. It was embarrassing but it was actually fun. I actually want to do it again. It kinda made me open up a little. So my lowlight was when I was on prohibition and grades. I felt so bad and I don't ever want to be in that situation again. 

So the lesson learned this week was use time wisely. During STEM, while building our bridge we kind of slacked off. And we don't have that much time left to finish our bridges. So next time we build, i'm going to tell my partners to stop talking so we can focus.

this was during pd 6, idk guys


Saturday, August 31, 2013


Wasssuuup guys! So, how was your week. ok lol so far, this week has been the most painful week xD. Basketball practice started this week and my thighs are already sore from squatting to block someone (HOW DO I BLOCK A PERSON TALLER THAN ME!!) lol, our member count have been going up and down. This week I had after school sales for my job (i had some dumb blonde moments when i didn't know how much to give for change :P) So this week was full of test, binder checks, rushing to finish our books and getting our grades up for progress report. Ok so we had this assignment called "Leader Bag" and we had to put 10 items to being a great leader. I swear everyone here is cray because look how much nonsense we came up with just to fill up our bags xD. We also went over intramurals and our assigned yearbook pages.

My highlight of the week was looking at peoples leader bag. lol, Kevin's and Jayde's bag was the best. So people thought mines were funny because I used my brother's toys xD

My lesson learned this week was expect the unexpected/be prepared because Mr. Ing checked our binders this week and we weren't ready so we got a bad grade (lol so now were checking binders everyday xD).

During basketball practice.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Yaaaay, the third week of school (i can't believe its almost one month of school)! lol, ok is it just me or is school going by too fast? Okay moving on to this week, this week we had Leadership reunion, Open House and Picture Taking. So my job this week was broadcast, it was pretty embarrassing. It was okay when we practiced but as soon as they said 1, 2, 3 my mind goes blank. And it didn't help that my cousin kept on teasing my high voice or that every person in class told me "i saw you on tv". Leadership reunion was funny, specially when they were telling us their moments. During picture taking we were making paper airplanes and paper boats.

The highlight of my week was during picture taking. So yea I was so bored I turned my class list in to a boat and then Petriese made that fortune thing and then we started to make paper airplanes. Lol Cheana's plane comes right back. Then we put Kevin's hair into a ponytail. OMG we should've taken picture. The lowlight of my week was the 20 by 20. ugh gosh i suck at math.

The lesson I learned this week was to smile and speak with emotion or something. Ok so during tv, they told us to be more relaxed and act like were just talking to each other instead of announcing announcements lol.

During T.V.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

5 Lessons To Make You Think About The Way We Treat People

Lesson 1: Cleaning Lady

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
For us to know how to treat people properly. We should always be kind to others, no matter who the person is. 
What does this have to do with Leadership?
In leadership, its important to know the people you're working with.
Lesson learned.
Every person is important, their job, position, etc. doesn't matter. You must treat others nicely. 

Lesson 2: Pickup In The Rain

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
We need to know that we have to help people in need.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We have to help each other out when we're working so we can get the job done faster. Also students/teachers expect us to help.
Lesson learned.
It doesn't matter who the person is, their race, sexuality, etc., you should always help someone who needs it.

Lesson 3: Always Remember Those Who Serve

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
we have to think about everyone working, because their job is just as important as others.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We serve students during our jobs and we have to know how to act in front of them.
Lesson learned.
In order to give something back we have to lose another thing too.

Lesson 4: The Obstacle In Our Path

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
There will be obstacles in life but there is always a way to solve it.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
There are many obstacles in leadership, so we need to overcome and face them.
Lesson learned.
Instead of complaining about your 'obstacle', just do it. In the end you might get something back from it.

Lesson 5: Giving When It Counts

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
We need to learn to volunteer when something very critical comes up.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We'll need ti sacrifice something in order to do work.
Lesson learned.
Giving is important. It makes you feel good inside and also makes others happy as well.


Ok, guys so its the second week of school. So i'm getting use to it a little. So our jobs this week was the same, IDs. Not much people came to get their IDs but we didn't really have trouble. So this week we had to work on these things called '5 Lessons To Make You Think About The Way We Treat People' (assingment blog coming up XDD). So we also shared the rest of the side of our biocube (i think i wasn't loud enough). We also took our star test, uhm I forgot what I got (and I don't wanna check inside my bag for it lol), but I think I got a pretty good score. This week, for social studies we had to remember the Southern part of U.S. OMGAAAH, lol i got a perfect score thank god for catchy stupid songs XD. Ok April calm yourself!

So the highlight of my week was *ahem* going to the library. So not many people like reading but I love reading! It keeps me calm and every time I go to a new library I feel the need of reading every single book in there. Lol sorry for my nerdness.

So the lesson I learned this week was never wear tapers in Ms. Liu's class. LOL, she made me take it off in class. I'M SORRY I LOST THE BACKING LAST NIGHT AND I ONLY HAD MY TAPERS LEFT!!!!

Alright on to the extra paragraph about voices. So I think I don't really talk much so my voice is really quiet, like little, tiny, small bugs quiet and I really need to speak up a little (well i need to talk more too). I'm really impassive when speaking. But when speaking in front of class, to teachers etc. I tend to speak more "professional". But when i'm with my family and friends, believe it or not, its like hell took over hahahah. My parents say I have a really loud voice and that I should live way up in the mountains yodeling (lol they need to see me in class tho). I want to speak in a more clearer voice because I have a small tongue *TMI April* so I kinda have trouble saying big words and other hard to pronounce words. Also i have to stop saying uhms, like, and so.

Ok these are the books I got erryone!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


So this week was the start of a new school year. Woohoo 8th grade, not. Monday was the first day for 7th graders, we helped them get to class and such. Then on Tuesday, it was us 8th graders. So I was nervous cause new school, new people and yeaa.... We did a cheer to start off the year and ours was kinda weird lol. We had cafe duty this week and it was pretty funny. We had to make signs for the after school sales. So my week was okay for a first week of school. Nothing big happened so it was a pretty boring week.

The highlight of my week was Friday, well after school Friday. It was the highlight of my week because my cousins all meet up at my house and we did stuff (Aprilyn you're so specific). So we just hanged out. Oh and I also facetimed with my friends from Kalihi. It was good because I haven't seen them in so long.

The lesson I learned this week is that someone is always watching. Since were in Leadership, we have to set a good example to the other students. We represent the school so we shouldn't be making any mistakes.

lol, i don't have friends XDDD