So this week was pretty okay. It was another normal week. My job was lunch music. Maliah and I started making our banners for ISA. Nothing much happened this week (well i dont remember much). Oh I reach my AR, yaay now I gotta reach the other bars. This years Halloween wasn't as fun as I thought it would be (lol its because i dont know the places here yet). LOL, but thats okay because I got candaaaaaay. For my costume, I was a nerd but then I wore cat ears so I became a Nerdy Cat lol. But when we went trick-or-treating I went as Shana from Shakugan no Shana (she has red hair and a sword and i have red hair and i borrowed my cousins sword). My highlight of the week was Halloween (obviously). It was pretty tiring walking around but we got candy and I spent time with my friends so it was worth it. Next year I need to plan who i'm dressing up as ( it was crazy doing last minute costumes lol).When we got home, I immediately went to sleep. Walking is so tiring, lol and it was only like 9:40 something. Lesson learned this week was STAY HOME FOR HALLOWEEN. Walking around for hours is not for me. Next year, i'll just buy a bag of candy and watch some scary movies.
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