Saturday, November 16, 2013


This week was pretty normal. We didn't have school on Monday, whoop whoop only 4 days of school! My job this week was IDs ( i swear when 6A works we have like no new students or people coming to buy IDs). When it was time to go back to school I had to take like a bunch of test since I missed some cause I was working for ISA. For Social Studies, were still learning about political stuff, Science were learning waves (which is pretty useless), Math were still on 3D figures and English were still reading The Giver (i already read the book so why do i have to read it again?!). This whole week we were preparing for the evacuation on Friday. Oh yeah guys I found a dead butterfly and i'm keeping it because i'm weird like that. And on Friday we had the evacuation. Did I mention that I HATE WALKING!? lol, anyways the people in my building were really funny. There was a girl who kept complaining about bugs in the grass and she kept screaming "AAAHHHH COCKROACH!". I'm sorry but girl they're smaller than you and you can just step on them and they die, girl its your fault for wearing sandals. I FINALLY GOT THE BOOK I WANTED WHICH IS ALLEGIANT! 

My highlight of the week was spending time with my family during the weekends. I don't know, I guess because my parents work so much that we barely have any time to actually have family time. 

My lesson learned this week was family is always there for you. When I was having some family bonding (gosh im going to be so deep on this one) it just felt like 'home'. You know that feeling where it doesn't matter where you are but as long as you're with the people you love it feels just like back home. LOL yea you probably don't get it. 

allegiant feels and hi maliah and jayde

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