Heyyyyy bloggers! What a week! During Sunday, I went hiking with my cousins at Maunawili Falls. The trail was muddy and us kids fell the most but it was worth it because the falls was cold and refreshing (btw I didn't jumped from that high place but I jumped but like close to the waterfall). Going back to school, I started off my week with my job, which was T.V. All I remember from my other classes was taking more test and doing our 3rd CFA. We also had to work for book fair (which was like heaven for me because you know, books lol), then we had soccer shoot out. It was short so I liked it, I still can't believe I made the goal XD. Then on Thursday we had our Flu shots taken (oh how I hate needles). Finally today (Saturday), we had campus beautification (we got food at the end so it was all good).
My highlight of the week was of course during Sunday. The hike was awesome and I got a pretty good amount of exercise. Then we went out to eat and gained back all the fat we burned. To end the night we went to watch 'Thor'. OMAAGAAAH LOKI (fan girl scream)! EL OH EL, I wanted to watch 'Ender's Game', but I guess i'll watch it some other time.
The lesson learned this week was walk slowly. Pretty dumb lesson right, but you need it during hiking. Gerald was the first one to fall (you deserved that for going ahead of the rest of us), then Valerie fell like every 5 minutes. Then on the way back, Glydel and I finally fell. There was no point in swimming when you're going to get dirty afterwards.
Maunawili Falls Hike :) |
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