Saturday, August 17, 2013


Ok, guys so its the second week of school. So i'm getting use to it a little. So our jobs this week was the same, IDs. Not much people came to get their IDs but we didn't really have trouble. So this week we had to work on these things called '5 Lessons To Make You Think About The Way We Treat People' (assingment blog coming up XDD). So we also shared the rest of the side of our biocube (i think i wasn't loud enough). We also took our star test, uhm I forgot what I got (and I don't wanna check inside my bag for it lol), but I think I got a pretty good score. This week, for social studies we had to remember the Southern part of U.S. OMGAAAH, lol i got a perfect score thank god for catchy stupid songs XD. Ok April calm yourself!

So the highlight of my week was *ahem* going to the library. So not many people like reading but I love reading! It keeps me calm and every time I go to a new library I feel the need of reading every single book in there. Lol sorry for my nerdness.

So the lesson I learned this week was never wear tapers in Ms. Liu's class. LOL, she made me take it off in class. I'M SORRY I LOST THE BACKING LAST NIGHT AND I ONLY HAD MY TAPERS LEFT!!!!

Alright on to the extra paragraph about voices. So I think I don't really talk much so my voice is really quiet, like little, tiny, small bugs quiet and I really need to speak up a little (well i need to talk more too). I'm really impassive when speaking. But when speaking in front of class, to teachers etc. I tend to speak more "professional". But when i'm with my family and friends, believe it or not, its like hell took over hahahah. My parents say I have a really loud voice and that I should live way up in the mountains yodeling (lol they need to see me in class tho). I want to speak in a more clearer voice because I have a small tongue *TMI April* so I kinda have trouble saying big words and other hard to pronounce words. Also i have to stop saying uhms, like, and so.

Ok these are the books I got erryone!

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