Saturday, August 10, 2013


So this week was the start of a new school year. Woohoo 8th grade, not. Monday was the first day for 7th graders, we helped them get to class and such. Then on Tuesday, it was us 8th graders. So I was nervous cause new school, new people and yeaa.... We did a cheer to start off the year and ours was kinda weird lol. We had cafe duty this week and it was pretty funny. We had to make signs for the after school sales. So my week was okay for a first week of school. Nothing big happened so it was a pretty boring week.

The highlight of my week was Friday, well after school Friday. It was the highlight of my week because my cousins all meet up at my house and we did stuff (Aprilyn you're so specific). So we just hanged out. Oh and I also facetimed with my friends from Kalihi. It was good because I haven't seen them in so long.

The lesson I learned this week is that someone is always watching. Since were in Leadership, we have to set a good example to the other students. We represent the school so we shouldn't be making any mistakes.

lol, i don't have friends XDDD

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