Saturday, August 3, 2013


So this week of leadership we finished up schedule pick ups. There was a tropical storm coming in Hawaii, but it wasn't that big of a deal. During Wednesday we didn't have leadership. So on Thursday we had a meeting about Leadership and taking our positions seriously. Then on Friday was our field trip (YAAAAAAY). Reporters came and interviewed some of us (omgaaaah lol I didn't want to be on tv tho). lol, guess what guys I got sun burnt ~_~, me and Maliah are the cookies 'n cream twins XDDD.

So my highlight of the week was Friday (obviously). So we bonded and I'm much more closer to most of the people (good job April). We played chicken fight and while they played marco polo I blew up a floatie all by myself (I almost died guys). We lost both of Jahlyssa rocks (my bad). While we were eating, birds kept crowding around us lol. Then we went swimming again and before we knew it time passed and it was almost time to go. Lol the race against time into changing so the bus didn't leave us.

The lesson I learned this week was to put on more sunscreen! I didn't know I burned that easily. Hahahahahahah. Well it was all fun and games until I turned into a lobster. Grrr, no more staying out the sun for me. 

In the process of making 23 musubis.

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