Saturday, December 21, 2013


Yayyyyy, WINTER BREAK!!!!!!! My job this week was music. This week was a really laid back week. We didn't do much besides Winter Fair. For social studies, I actually liked what we did on our last class, which was extra credit work. All we had to do was raise the white board with the correct answer for the questions, we worked in groups and my group had the most points so we had the highest extra credit. For math, we played a bingo game using square roots. Science we just watch Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. In English, we just finished up our graphic novel. In STEM, we started working on our next project. And in period 6, we had a DS competition.

The highlight of my week was obviously Winter Fair. I actually enjoyed working more than spending my money XD. So we went to play with the flour/snow thing and Sheila threw one on my face lololol. I ended sniffing flour up my nose. After we finished ended up looking like old ladies. Another one of my highlights is during period 6 when we brought our nintendos and we played super mario bros. 

This weeks lesson learned is don't have hope on something too much, you'll end up being disappointed instead. So I was supposed to go to Cali with my cousins on Christmas, it didn't end up happening and I just ended up sulking. So yea, at least I learned my lesson.

ds, mario games, car washes, COD and cousins

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