Thursday, December 19, 2013


Merry "Khrizz"mas from Period 6!
Guess what guys? Another quarter down, lol two more to go. Just one more day left to go. And like Christmas is only 6 days away and like the year is about to end in 2 weeks. I don't know what to say about this quarter, it was as equally as challenging as the previous quarter but this quarter was full of problems. This quarter we had more changes than usual. So on my last quarterly blog I said I would stop being such a procrastinator, will this quarter I still procrastinated but at least it wasn't like last quarter.  

Korey tho.
A lesson I learned this quarter and which pretty much sums this quarter would be dragging on the problem and making them bigger. No matter how many problems we face, it always goes back to that one problem that started it all. Like the weeds on the front yard of our school, to kill them, you have to target the root and its better to get rid of them when there are only a couple at first, rather than having to get rid of hundreds and hundreds of them later on. So basically, get rid of the problem immediately before it gets out of hand. 

Jah, lol your smile.
One of the moments that I loved about this quarter was ISA, specially basketball and bowling. I really liked basketball because although it was hot, I really like how we got to relax and make more memories in the end. I also liked bowling because even if it was a competition and we didn't win, it was like a hang out with your best friends and it was funny when we got back at Ilima. 

i don't know what i was doing?
I'm really looking forward to next quarter and all the challenges awaiting for me (hopefully I don't fall back). I can't hold any promises that it will be much easier since i've had a little bit more experience but i'm expecting that I if I do face a problem i'll know what to do. 

This picture cracks me up the most.

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