Thursday, October 10, 2013


Whoop whoop, RETREAT! lol, ok retreat was fun! I really had a good time. We made memory jars and a mobile. I really enjoyed making the memory jars, it was cool. We had an interview (and i mess up a lot of times xD), we saw turtles and caught crabs (oh gaaawd, Cheana). We planned, a lot. I miss the house. The view was sooooo pretty. It would be so nice to wake up with that view everyday. And I actually miss waking up to food and eating every meal XD. The weather so good to. It was my type of weather. Cold, windy, if only it could snow. Talent show and Chopped was really funny. LOL, our last minute decision to add in sweaters and to take it off (we didn't even practice that part and I actually got it off). For Chopped, it was the first time we cooked Spaghetti Tacos. If only we could've added more flavoring to the sauce. Or made something much different from the other groups. We also had to make notes, positive notes about everyone. I really liked Jayde's envelope. I liked the rose. 

My highlight of the retreat was the relay race. It was pretty funny. If it was this ridiculous, then I wonder how it would look like with the whole school XD. I wish it would've been longer though. My other highlight was the extra time we had before leaving. Maliah's colony was pretty funny. LOL, I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL XD! Petriese, that was really funny! 

The lesson learned during retreat was werk it guuurl XD. No, but seriously just do it (lol nike). Go for it and try new things. Your only young for a while and you never know when your story ends. So its better to make an awesome book. You might end up regretting it in the future and I learned from my parents that it sucks to regret things. To do what you want but can't do it anymore because you missed the opportunity, that sucks.

our home slippers are kewl (:
fire places

pt 2


trees and stormy weather




potato smiles






jumping again

duck lips

duck lips 2.0


look its like stairs


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