Saturday, October 26, 2013


Wasssup guys! Well this has been an interesting week. So my job this week was still afterschool sales. This week was a pretty normal week. We put up our Halloween posters and flyers. We also drew names for the Secret Santa. During advisory, we took team pictures (I bet everyone in the picture looked lost or something).  So there's not really much to say. Oh yea, we also volunteered on helping plant grass out in the front yard of the school. 

My highlight of the week was today during the volunteer. Yes it was pretty tiring (as soon as I got to my room I was knocked out and woke up at 3 something) but it was worth it. It was really fun. The holes and the peices of grass looked like a game but we learned that I have bad aiming skills xD. The a/c rooms felt really nice after sweating so much. LOL, my sweat looked like my tears sometimes.  After that we all went home and it wasn't until I got to the door to realized that I LEFT MY KEYS IN MY ROOM! GAAAAH IM SO STUPID SOMETIMES. Lol I had to wait for like 20 minutes for my parent to get back from Kunia. 

The lesson learned this week was hard work pays off. So we all know gardening ain't easy but it can be fun when you work with a lot of people. To me bonding is really hard. But working is one of the ways people get to know me better (weird right?).

hey look a camera

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