Saturday, September 7, 2013


It's September guys!! Ok so moving on to this week. This week we practiced playing flag football. lol, so Korey and Laila ran into each other when we played and they were on the same team xD. Being a referee was okay, just need to focus a little bit more.  But the thing we were waiting for this whole week was our vlog day. It was so awkward at first but I started getting the hang of it. During class everyone was staring and I felt the need to whisper so I wouldn't disturb them (i don't think i was loud enough lol) My job this week was after school sales, again. During homeroom, we had a meeting and talked about prohibition and grades, it was scary O.O (not really). So now i'm my working my butt off so I wont get into prohibition again. So for STEM, were starting to build our bridges and I don't think my group is going to finish it on time (even though there's 3 of us). hahahahahahahah LOL, just thinking bout this still makes me laugh! Ok during advisory, Macky hahahahahah ok she made a stink bomb lol. So toward the ending of Friday in Ms. Liu's class we were talking about certificates and someone asked what was a Death Certificate, they asked if it was an award of death because certificates are usually awards XDDD omgaah, I was cracking up! During basketball practiced, we found out our team can somewhat win if there was food on the line ^-----^

So my highlight of the week was doing the vlog. It was embarrassing but it was actually fun. I actually want to do it again. It kinda made me open up a little. So my lowlight was when I was on prohibition and grades. I felt so bad and I don't ever want to be in that situation again. 

So the lesson learned this week was use time wisely. During STEM, while building our bridge we kind of slacked off. And we don't have that much time left to finish our bridges. So next time we build, i'm going to tell my partners to stop talking so we can focus.

this was during pd 6, idk guys


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