Thursday, May 29, 2014


So it's finally over guys. I gained so many things from being in this program but I also lost something today. I'm going to miss staying in A101 during our own time (instead of spending them outside where I should be). I'm actually not satisfied of getting my "normal" life back, cause it won't fell normal (nah m'saying, LOL #NO). I'm honestly going to miss each and everyone of you guys. I still can't accept the fact that we are now going to high school (well 8th grade for you 7th graders). This was one of the best years I had in all my history of school years. I actually felt like I was taking the right path being here. Yes, there was moments when we all wanted to kill each other (it's a surprise that we hadn't all gone Hunger Games), but we all got along at every end of the day. So we're all a bunch of freaks forced to be molded together, but we all found similarities that caused us to become friends. Maybe some of our relationships are still awkward and not as deep as others, but i'm glad I got to know you guys. I'm glad I got accepted into the program. I learned more here than I could ever learn from a normal class. I'm going to carry on these things I learned here to the future. I wish I could have learned more. Mr. Ing, this was the first time I got a teacher like you. I get along with a lot of teachers and talk to them even when i'm not in class but you were something . . . but in a good way lol. I have a lot of teachers that praise me for doing good but you actually pushed us more than others because you know we could do much better than what we thought was our "best". 

There are too many highlights of this year to pin point individually. But I enjoyed retreat, because it was nice to not have any devices. We all had to find something to do so we weren't bored and that caused us to bond. I enjoyed playing the card games and crab hunting (ok maybe not so much when we had to kill them). I'm definitely going to miss having food served when I wake up. Sheila i'm still never forgetting the time when you opened the shower curtains while I was showering. Then we had the field trip to Ala Moana. That was fun guys. That was the longest I had ever gone shopping. The fireworks wasn't as extravagant as I thought it would be but looking back now it seemed very cool. Then we had small memories that happened in A101. For example today, I had never seen such hardcore musical chairs. That was the closest we had to a Hunger Games. 

The overall lesson learned this whole year is that everyone comes and goes into your life. There are multiple entrances and exits to go through, but it doesn't matter when they enter or leave your life but what matters is the time you spent with them. I know this is  a goodbye but not really. I hope I get to see you all again. I'll be seeing some of you next next year in high school and hopefully I get invited back. I'm going to cherish these memories with you all and I hope you do the same for me. 

period 6 (missing the other 2; Jah and Jayde)

the most intense musical chairs you will ever see

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


So I'm at Tony Roma's guys and since it's graduation the food are like delayed, so I was like, I'm probably not going to have time to do it anyways so I'll just write it on my phone. Moving on, so we only have one more day of school left. I hope we stay in touch guys, I'm honestly going to miss each and everyone of you. No drift now. This quarter was a blast. A lot of things were done revolving around graduation. I still can't believe I graduated and now were going to highschool and I'm kind of scared (the whole 2 days after graduating kind of ruins the vibe though.) Summer is finally here but like I hate sweating so like can it snow? So this quarter we had recognition night, which went well buy could have been better. Then we finally had the actual graduation. The struggle this quarter was real, especially the Algebra final. I still haven't finished mines by the way. I'm glad I kept up with my grades, I would be so bummed out if I didn't get the grades I wanted because it's the last quarter and our last year in intermediate school. I'm sad this year is ending and I'm sad I didn't get my food yet while the rest of my table has there's. So towards the end of the year I actually made friends, and I started opening up to not just leadership people but outside as well. I have no idea if I'll make friends in high school. #hatingthatschoollife

I had so many highlights of this quarter but I'll be talking about graduation because now we have another 4 more years of school before we can actually start our lives. So like I know it's intermediate and there's still highschool and college graduation but graduating intermediate was like finally padding the "kid" phase. My lowlight this quarter wad the Algebra final. Yes I know you're sick and tired of me mentioning it but I seriously don't know half of the content on that test and like I'm pretty sure my score is going to be so low.

I also had many lesson learned this quarter but one that sticks out the most is that there are many chapters we have in our lives, many pages symblosing the days and tomorrows we still have so its okay to screw up once in a while. We're still young and learning so just do the best you can for now.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


So the internet is really slow guys cause i'm staying at a hotel so just bear with me.This was a really awesome week, a lot of things we're done involving Graduation. So I had IDs this week, but no one is really buying, but you'll never know. So we had recognition night this week. It actually went well but it could have been better. Not really much is happening in my classes. In Algebra, we're now doing our finals and after two sessions i'm still in question 14. I don't think i'll pass guys. For English, we're not really doing anything, but we wrote a letter to someone we appreciate. In Science, we presented our projects. In Social Studies, we played Jeopardy! which I always enjoy. In STEM, we were going to do the paper towers but I didn't go cause I went to help with Graduation. My brother's birthday was this week, lol. We also had Graduation rehearsal. Oh and during Friday when we were walking someone said we looked liked a walking rainbow since we all had different colored shirts. We also collected canned goods and it was more than we expected. Guess what guys, were staying at a hotel. I have no idea what to talk about now. 

So my highlight of this week was today at the hotel. We went to this cool restaurant and the theme was just really awesome and I think i'll go back there again. We went swimming and we went to the hot tub and we ruined this couples moment, lol. We had a reflection and it was actually . . . fine. Another highlight of mines is my brother's birthday. So we bought this game for my PS3 but the disc isn't working and he ended up crying himself to sleep.

The lesson learned goes for my dad but the game we bought we were planning on return but my dad might of have thrown away the receipt so . . . 

Saturday, May 17, 2014


This was actually a pretty good week. So we had recess music this week and don't you hate it when people complain about music, so rude. Be grateful were actually doing this for your entertainment. My classes this week was ok, I guess. In Social Studies we just watched a movie called "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and answered some questions about the movie. In Science, were doing a group project about one of the celestial components of Earth and explain how it's a unified system and stuff. In Algebra, we did some work and then we had a free class day on Friday. In STEM, my group had to present our houses to the class and then for the rest of the class were doing our reflections about our experience in STEM. In English, we just went to the computer lab and did our STAR test and Achieve3000 test (does anybody actually go on teenbiz?). I also had the McNite this week Wednesday. I didn't expect that much people to actually come and play our games. Oh gosh, while doing this McNite thing, we had people outside the drive through with a box for donations and this band parent did the same thing and like told us to go away and that they were here first and they also like put donation boxes at the cashier. That lady was impossible, we like explained that our organization, NJHS, planned this whole thing and that the band was only getting a portion of the profit but like she was being such a female dog about it and saying we need to leave the drive through area and that it was like the Bands stuff. So yea Ms. Seigaku had to go and talk to her and even Mr. Hayashi didn't know about her and like had to apologize to us after. We also had Jamba Juice sold during Friday. Then the long planned Period 6 sleepover finally happened. Lol, you don't know how long we said we would do this but like it never happened until now. So like at Friday we all walked to Korey's house then Jah's and i'm pretty sure I got a blister, thankfully, Jah's mom drove us to Maliah's place. 

I actually have 3 highlights from this week. First would be from one of my leadership periods. Jah was practicing her speech and she had to call out names and my name was first and when she called it out Jayde was like "YEAAAA!!!!", lol idk it was funny. Then we took polaroid pictures and when it was Laila and Korey's turn it came out blank. Coincidence? I think not! Then on Wednesday we had McNite, just the whole was actually really fun. Towards the end when we all finished working we went to the drive through for the donations and like everyone was just crazy. Then on Friday we had the official Period 6 sleepover. We had to walk to everyone's house and people from school was at Jah's place and it was awkward. We were playing foosball and Korey and I actually won (ok so maybe there was some cheating involved). While waiting for Jayde we lost Jah in the process. Then we played Just Dance on the Kinect and we ate most of the time actually. Korey, Maliah and I played in the sprinkles at night. Then we watched a movie and I was so tired from walking that I fell asleep and when I woke up this morning my whole body was tired. Then we made breakfast and we burned everything. We took a walk this morning and we lost Jah and Jayde again. When I got home I was so tired that I went back to sleep.

The lesson learned this week is that I should just stick to academics cause I suck at athletic things lol. It's pretty self explanatory really. I actually wanna play a sport and like do stuff but like I suck and all. So it's not by choice, I think. 

that award company thing has really sassy packaging, polaroids, mcnite

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I am so sorry my title sounds mean but I actually had a good time. To start of this week, I had lunch music, I don't really remember much about work though (besides the fact that it wasn't working during Monday). For my classes, in Science, we had HSA and my score . . . lowered. UGH! But at least I passed, but it was around the 320's. For Social Studies, we had group work about the compromises and we did a section assessment. In STEM, we tested our houses and we got the best efficiency with 14.35%, I think, but it was around there somewhere. Then in English, we presented our speech about that genocide in Darfur, Sudan. In Algebra, we went back to doing our usual stuff. But the Finals are coming up soon and i'm pretty sure i'm going to fail! Then for my Leadership period, we finished up our reflections for our boards. Ok so i'm pretty sure that's all my classes, (oh gosh, I just noticed I use the words "pretty sure" in my blog too much). This week was a very productive week for me because of NJHS. So Megan and I are in charge of basically every activity (because our President and Vice President do so much, NOT!), so we always have to do the preparing and planning. So all the games in McNite, we have to build the booths, with the help of the members of course. MAKE SURE YOU GUYS COME!!! Last Friday night (lol yup Katy Perry reference), I went Graduation shopping and I saw Megan, lol. Today, I also went to a senior care home.

My highlight of the week was going to Franciscan Vistas Ewa. The wonderful lady that I got to visit was Mrs. Agustin ( i'm hoping I spelled that right). She was really nice and her husband was pretty funny. The place was also beautiful. After visiting them, I felt so relaxed and peaceful and happy. I don't know man, there something about visiting senior housings because its so quiet and there so fun to talk to. It's sad that their children don't even visit or call them. I was doing this for my community service project but I would actually like to visit them for fun. 

The lesson learned this week that stood out the most was "hardships mature you". I learned this from visiting the senior home. She was talking about her past life and she said that kids nowadays aren't mature as the kids back then since we got things easy for us. She was from the Philippines and she lived in the country side. It was sad when she talked about that. 

visiting Mrs. Agustin

Gerald as a girl

NJHS, me, korey and matthias' s comment tho

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! This week was a pretty fun week. I had afterschool sales but most  of this week we didn't work because of Class Day and Banquet. Let me try remember what happened this week cause all I remember was last night. So in Science, i'm pretty sure we took our galaxy test and a critical read. So I got a 100% on the critical read and I think a 93% on the test. Oh and also we did a foldable about galaxies. I really liked class on Friday because Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto gave us the choice of studying for HSA or having like free time to do work and most of the class chose the latter. I didn't have anything to do so I did stuff for NJHS. Then for Algebra we finished up our HSA. Guess what I got? I got something around 370 something, lol sorry. I have like the worst memory. Then for Social Studies I think we turned in our essays about the battles of the American Civil War. In STEM, we built our house. Oh also since Mr. Ing had to live in Period 6's Leadership, Maliah, Jah, and I spent the whole hour shelving books, (Jayde went to make up work). I actually liked it. I was pretty relaxing since no one was there besides us and the librarians. We got to play our music and my OCD was on high mode, lol. 

My highlight of the week was Banquet. I actually had a good time. So the beginning part was awkward, but after I got more comfortable, I had a lot of fun. So riding there was really awkward cause I sat alone but during and going back was fun because I talked to people I don't normally talk outside of class. We played truth or dare on the ride back to school. I danced, lol, if you considered jumping with my hands up dancing lol. 

So my lesson learned this week is just let loose and don't be afraid because you are going to regret not doing it. Yea, i'm pretty sure I had lesson before but that's what my banquet felt like. Oh another lesson is we all need some quiet and alone time to ourselves because sometimes the company of others is tiring. You need alone time to think for your self. 

i saw a dead bird while walking back home 

just changing the marquee

we saw this dog inside the cage thingy in r building after school, it looked so sad :(

sitting alone in the bus, yes im coool


aleesha going crazy in the dance floor

nailed it

hot rollers but no i did not curl my hair for banquet . . . got to lazy

you look stoned

i really love this picture *.*, pic cr. to me

heyyyy qurl