Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Personal Display Boards

So this week we did a reflection of our assignment called "Personal Display Board". So basically this board is supposed to be about us. It needed 10 items that reference to 'leadership'. We had a limit of 1 picture and 1 blog. And at the end, we had to make a write up with the answers to the questions; "what is this item?", "why is this important?/why did you chose this?", and "how did it change you?/what were you before and after?." This is assignment is about us, psshh it'll be easy. EL OH EL, #no. So yea it was easy all you needed to do was get your item answer the question and then paste in on your board. Although it wasn't that troublesome, I put a lot of thought into my items. And I kind of had trouble finding some of the papers since my room is a mess. So my items were (not in any specific order): 1. my leadership acceptance letter, 2. NJHS acceptance letter, 3. biocube, 4. NJHS induction ceremony picture, 5. STEM projects, 6. retreat blog, 7. all access video, 8. quarter 3 report card, 9. orientation fashion show script, and 10. yearbook page. 

My highlight of this project would be 'reflecting.' Like Mr. Ing said reflecting is good. To me reflecting is like getting that alone time and thinking about "what you've done." My lowlight would be trying to find my items. So I looked everywhere for this one paper but I guess I lost it. But thank the heavens that my mom had a picture of it.

So the lesson learned from this assignment is 'its nice to see your achievements being displayed.' Seeing your achievements on show, shows that you haven't just been lazing around and doing nothing (as my mom says). Having a board of things you've done doesn't make you feel so much of a pathetic fool, lol. 

so me being me, i didn't have a picture of my board *slaps forehead and shakes head*, but i do have pictues of things that were on my board and such

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Heyy bloggers! So you're probably wondering what my title means but my week started off with Jayde saying that. It was too funny, Helen please, you never changed whatsoever. So this week we had afterschool sales and on Monday I went to work and I was the first one their so I was like "wow, maybe i'm early", but when I was setting up no one showed up and then the bell rang and I didn't even get the ice cream out. I thought I was going to be working alone but then Korey came so I was like phew saved by the bell. So yea . . . period 6 forgot we had afterschool sales but at least they showed up after when they saw me and Korey working. So moving on to other events, in Social Studies we're doing research on our next informative essay and I had no clue about what these topics were about so I just randomly chose one which is Antietam. In English, were making a persuasive essay about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. In STEM, we are now making our final design and starting to build our houses. In Science, were learning about galaxies now and were going to take a test soon. In Leadership, our personal display board was recently due, oh and Laila also made some fanfiction. Something different we had this week was we had Career Day. I had Mr. Kumia who was a Private Investigator. 

My highlight of the week is Career Day because first we had to skip a class and everyone is always happy when we get to skip classes. Also because its great seeing different types of careers and seeing how they work. And because I saw a dog and dogs make me happy. Oh and Friday after school we had to meet with the McDonald's manager for NJHS and Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto bought us food. 

My lesson learned this week is "I am destined for greatness". That's what I learned from Mr. Kumia. So unlike the other career speakers. He didn't talk about being a private investigator much but he based his sessions on talking about doing what ever you wanted and not letting fear get in your way because you may never know what's ahead of you. 

#KoreySelfies, Mr. Kumia, our ghetto tape, McDonald's and tying our shoes together

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Whaddup people of the internet! So i'm at a party and guess what i'm doing? Psshh please, like you need to guess. Yes, I haz lock myself in a room with my laptop blogging, scrolling on Tumblr, and hoping the wifi doesn't go out. So I don't really remember much of this week but i'm going to try ok (not remembering anything from this week probably means it was boring). EL OH EL, so my cousin just walked inside the room, looked at me, sighed, and walked back out, lol I guess he thought no one was in here and wanted to be alone but guuuuurl too bad I was here first. Ok back to recapping this week. So i'm pretty sure we took the HSA for English this week and I got a lower school than my first, sigh. Well it's a good thing they're taking your highest score out of all the chances. Oh, and I had TV this week and I had to go one for this whole week because Jah is on vacation and Korey is doing forms. Well it was a good thing that Maliah helped me. I liked Friday's broadcast because we finally got to do the thing we wanted to do for so long. The thing was we would introduce ourselves but we would mix up our names and then switch chairs and introduce ourselves correctly. A guy in one of my classes said that it was lame what we did on CCTV, well I was happy and stop killing my vibe. Our buckets were due this week. My item was a book. I just made a bunch of papers look old then made them into like a small not journal looking thing. 

So I don't really have a highlight but i'll just tell you something interesting that happened this week. So my family were all in the living room (that's a first), I don't really remember how it started but my brother started a pillow fight with my mom. And my mom being my mom, of course she grab a pillow and fought back. So it went on for a while until my brother started crying and all my mom did was like 'hmmph that's what you get, you deserved it'. I swear, my family either belongs in a zoo or circus. 

My lesson learned this week is never pillow fight with my mom or just get her pissed in general. When I was little, I was troublesome innocent (parents' words, not mine). I was a pain in the butt but it wasn't anything drastic. Well i'm glad that I was nothing like my brother and never experienced my mom's wrath when I was little. She's the type of mom that will make you cry then tell you to go run to your mommy even though your her child. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! This week was Orientation week. All the practicing is finally paying off, YESH! I also suffered from a canker sore this week, and I still am even today. But i'm hashtag over it. So Tuesday, Thursday and Thursday night were orientations. On Monday in Algebra we had to present our own lesson. I kinda felt so bad because I didn't do a good job because my nerves got to me. I'm sorry group. I'm hoping that second chance Mr. Shim talked about actually happens. In STEM, I missed the evaluation thing and now I need to try raising my grade up because i'm trying to get a 4.0 again this quarter. So in Social Studies we had our vocab test. I missed two words because I switch the definitions around. Man, so close to having a perfect score. Then in Science I did something similar again. We took a test on stars and Ms. Seigaku/Akimoto said I was the only one in my period that got an A. My score was so close to getting a perfect score but I wrote down color instead of temperature. We also went outside for class on Friday. We did a small scale of the solar system, and i'm pretty sure that I did the math incorrectly. In English, we took a CFA, and I think she said it was our last one. Idk, I kind of wasn't paying attention. So we got the scores back from our Explore test and overall I got a good score which was a 20. 

I didn't really have a highlight this week so i'll just talk about my lowlight which is pretty obvious. This canker sore is a pain in the butt. I know i'm complaining to much about it but sigh. Oh I tried to make French macaroons today but I failed because the meringue wasn't the right consistency. I'll try again, I need to perfect that ish.  

My lesson learned this week is if I practice frequently I can memorize something. So if I keep repeating something for a time period I remember it. I always had trouble memorize stuff because i'm a forgetful person. Now I have a method that can help me. 

my failed macaroons, Laila in Google maps, me in the career poster, my Explore test results, Maliah in a box, and Maliah and I in a tire.

Friday, April 11, 2014


So this week was finally Orientation week. We've been waiting for this. Practicing every morning, lunch and after school everyday. On Tuesday morning, I wasn't really feeling nervous about speaking in front of a crowd since I knew my lines (ok maybe I might stubble and stutter a bit but girl, I actually memorized my lines). But then when I got on that stage to do the fashion show, I was scared. I kept holding my hands together and moving them around because they were obviously shaking out of fear. So I messed up a little bit but good thing it wasn't noticeable. Just when I thought I got this in a roll, the big problem came. So I got a canker sore on my tongue on after Tuesday. If you noticed that my lips were chapped and looked dry, well its because I've been dehydrated. The sore made it hard for me to speak, eat, and drink water. When we practicing on Wednesday, it hurt like a female dog. Then Thursday came and I started worrying because we were going to present at morning and night and it might affect the presentation. But I just sucked it up and tried to numb the pain by sucking on some ice. While doing the presentation, I learned that if my mind isn't on the pain then it won't hurt as much. But then orientation passed and I was so glad that I didn't mess up big time. Phew! I actually enjoyed the questioning portion of the presentation. lol, maybe I just enjoyed walking around a bunch of sixth graders. But seriously though, the same people kept asking questions. The tour I actually think I did a pretty good job. A lot of people kept saying they had people with stupid questions but I actually got a really nice group that barely asked any questions.

My highlight of the orientation was backstage when all of us weren't on. We just kept messing around and trying to scare each other. We were going to do bloody Mary but we just kept messing up and it ended up being funny. When Kevin came back out, he was all like "UGH, guys I messed up" and he was sitting on the stage with his head in his hands. Ok so it sounds mean but dude it was pretty funny because it wasn't that big of a deal. My lowlight of the orientation was obviously getting a canker sore. It seriously hurt. It affect my eating and drinking habits and I was so sad because I love food (lol). 

The lesson learned this week is ORAL CARE IS IMPORTANT! Ok so yes I do brush my teeth twice a day, everyday. But girl after this bad experience with this canker sore I am now going to do a full on oral hygiene with the flossing, mouth wash and tongue brushing and everything!
photobombing Petriese's shoe picture (:
backstaged at Orientation Night

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! So this week was a very productive week. I had music this week and Jayde was filling in for Jahlyssa because she had to pass out forms. This whole week we had to practice Orientation in homeroom, lunch and sometimes even after school. On Wednesday, we had Graduation meeting. We had to take down notes because we're going to be the ones answering the questions for parents who didn't attend. When we were passing out papers and waiting for families to arrive, Jayde and I kept playing around and she was like "April, do you need a hug" or something like that and then she slapped me, lol it was pretty funny. Then on Friday we had Jamba Juice Sale for NJHS. We ran out pretty fast and some people didn't even get to buy because we expected less people. Since this was such a good sale, i'm pretty sure we're going to plan another one. Friday was also full dress rehearsal after school for Orientation. Oh yea and by the way, remember how I said I was the narrator for the fashion show and I needed to memorize the script? Well I did! Yea I might pause for like a second and mess up in few parts but I still remembered most of the things I need to say. I need to work on not being awkward and just act naturally. Maliah suggested I should use hand gestures because I just stand there stiffly with my hands clasp in front of me. Also, I need to get used to wearing the mic because it's still very weird for me and sometimes I sound to soft because of the placement. Moving on to my classes, in English were talking about the Holocaust and were watching 'The Diary of Anne Frank' and 'Life Is Beautiful'. In Social Studies, we're still working on that company thing. In Algebra, were learning the same old stuff, you know, math lol. In STEM, were now building our houses for 'Keep the Heat Out'. In Science, we took our HSA and I got 348! Yes, its way better than my last score which was 295 and I passed my last year score that was 343.  

My highlight this week was MY BIRTHDAY! If you didn't know then yes my birthday was this Thursday. Ew, i'm getting closer to my death. Lol my cousin hates birthdays because she thinks she's getting older or getting closer to the day we die. So we're not holding a party this year because we're going to the Philippines this summer and we need to save money as much as possible. So all we did was go out to dinner (and my parents just ordered something online for me). Nothing beats people cooking and serving for you!

The lesson learned this week is practice makes perfect. Yea its a very well known lesson but it really helped me this week. When I found out I was going to be the narrator for Orientation I was psyched but also worried that I wouldn't memorize the script on time. But since we kept practicing and I kept reading the script on my free time and before I knew it, I didn't need to read the script anymore. Now I just need to work on the flow of when I speak because sometimes it doesn't sound right.

so the lighting at the restaurant made my hair really light, but i actually like it