Whaddup people of the internet! So i'm at a party and guess what i'm doing? Psshh please, like you need to guess. Yes, I haz lock myself in a room with my laptop blogging, scrolling on Tumblr, and hoping the wifi doesn't go out. So I don't really remember much of this week but i'm going to try ok (not remembering anything from this week probably means it was boring). EL OH EL, so my cousin just walked inside the room, looked at me, sighed, and walked back out, lol I guess he thought no one was in here and wanted to be alone but guuuuurl too bad I was here first. Ok back to recapping this week. So i'm pretty sure we took the HSA for English this week and I got a lower school than my first, sigh. Well it's a good thing they're taking your highest score out of all the chances. Oh, and I had TV this week and I had to go one for this whole week because Jah is on vacation and Korey is doing forms. Well it was a good thing that Maliah helped me. I liked Friday's broadcast because we finally got to do the thing we wanted to do for so long. The thing was we would introduce ourselves but we would mix up our names and then switch chairs and introduce ourselves correctly. A guy in one of my classes said that it was lame what we did on CCTV, well I was happy and stop killing my vibe. Our buckets were due this week. My item was a book. I just made a bunch of papers look old then made them into like a small not journal looking thing.
So I don't really have a highlight but i'll just tell you something interesting that happened this week. So my family were all in the living room (that's a first), I don't really remember how it started but my brother started a pillow fight with my mom. And my mom being my mom, of course she grab a pillow and fought back. So it went on for a while until my brother started crying and all my mom did was like 'hmmph that's what you get, you deserved it'. I swear, my family either belongs in a zoo or circus.
My lesson learned this week is never pillow fight with my mom or just get her pissed in general. When I was little, I was troublesome innocent (parents' words, not mine). I was a pain in the butt but it wasn't anything drastic. Well i'm glad that I was nothing like my brother and never experienced my mom's wrath when I was little. She's the type of mom that will make you cry then tell you to go run to your mommy even though your her child.