Saturday, November 30, 2013


Wasssuup guys! Hell yeah four day weekend, whoop whoop! My job this week was afterschool sales. This week went by fast (lol maybe its because we only had 3 days of school). I actually enjoyed this week in school (even my classes, well except math because i suck in math). This week was kinda bad because I was sick and when I get sick it gets really bad because I rarely get sick. And i'm still kind of sick now.     

The highlight of my week was Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Thanksgiving because of food (lol) and Black Friday because  expensive things for less. But really Thanksgiving because the whole family gets together and then at midnight we go crazy to go to places xD.

The lesson learned this week is it shouldn't just be on Thanksgiving to be thankful for things. Everyday we should be thankful of stuff, even for the simplest things. We should be thankful for waking up and that were breathing. You know what i'm saying?

measuring cup cup, gamer mouses, kendama and mik mik

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Heyyyyy bloggers! What a week! During Sunday, I went hiking with my cousins at Maunawili Falls. The trail was muddy and us kids fell the most but it was worth it because the falls was cold and refreshing (btw I didn't jumped from that high place but I jumped but like close to the waterfall). Going back to school, I started off my week with my job, which was T.V. All I remember from my other classes was taking more test and doing our 3rd CFA. We also had to work for book fair (which was like heaven for me because you know, books lol), then we had soccer shoot out. It was short so I liked it, I still can't believe I made the goal XD. Then on Thursday we had our Flu shots taken (oh how I hate needles). Finally today (Saturday), we had campus beautification (we got food at the end so it was all good).

My highlight of the week was of course during Sunday. The hike was awesome and I got a pretty good amount of exercise. Then we went out to eat and gained back all the fat we burned. To end the night we went to watch 'Thor'. OMAAGAAAH LOKI (fan girl scream)! EL OH EL, I wanted to watch 'Ender's Game', but I guess i'll watch it some other time.

The lesson learned this week was walk slowly. Pretty dumb lesson right, but you need it during hiking. Gerald was the first one to fall (you deserved that for going ahead of the rest of us), then Valerie fell like every 5 minutes. Then on the way back, Glydel and I finally fell. There was no point in swimming when you're going to get dirty afterwards. 

Maunawili Falls Hike :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013


This week was pretty normal. We didn't have school on Monday, whoop whoop only 4 days of school! My job this week was IDs ( i swear when 6A works we have like no new students or people coming to buy IDs). When it was time to go back to school I had to take like a bunch of test since I missed some cause I was working for ISA. For Social Studies, were still learning about political stuff, Science were learning waves (which is pretty useless), Math were still on 3D figures and English were still reading The Giver (i already read the book so why do i have to read it again?!). This whole week we were preparing for the evacuation on Friday. Oh yeah guys I found a dead butterfly and i'm keeping it because i'm weird like that. And on Friday we had the evacuation. Did I mention that I HATE WALKING!? lol, anyways the people in my building were really funny. There was a girl who kept complaining about bugs in the grass and she kept screaming "AAAHHHH COCKROACH!". I'm sorry but girl they're smaller than you and you can just step on them and they die, girl its your fault for wearing sandals. I FINALLY GOT THE BOOK I WANTED WHICH IS ALLEGIANT! 

My highlight of the week was spending time with my family during the weekends. I don't know, I guess because my parents work so much that we barely have any time to actually have family time. 

My lesson learned this week was family is always there for you. When I was having some family bonding (gosh im going to be so deep on this one) it just felt like 'home'. You know that feeling where it doesn't matter where you are but as long as you're with the people you love it feels just like back home. LOL yea you probably don't get it. 

allegiant feels and hi maliah and jayde

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Heyyyy bloggers! Can you feel that, yes its SWEATER WEATHER! This week was a pretty interesting week. First off, my job was recess music. Classes were pretty normal this week, nothing special happening. For Leadership, we were planning for ISA, me and Maliah had to make the banners for school. It was pretty frustrating when we found out Nanakuli wasn't coming, it was the first banner that was done (in my opinion it was the best too). We ended up finishing the banners on time and they looked pretty nice. ISA was a pretty successful event, we had less people working (because of an event with some 7th graders) but it was all good. My job for ISA was basketball scorekeeper. I was worried I would get the schools mixed up but it didn't happen (thank god). I only made one mistake lol, I accidentally turned the 4 to other side so it ended up being 40 instead of 04, at least someone told me (hahahahahah). I also liked my spot, although it was farther apart from the other scorekeepers it was the best spot. It was Maliah's and Aleesha's last pick but they didn't know that the sun wasn't facing my face lol. We also had a mini job which was to lead the schools, mines was Waianae. 

My highlight of the week was ISA. We were pretty tired after the event but at least we didn't go back to class, we got period 3 off and relaxed in Leadership the whole time. We ate pizza and pizza always makes everything better. I actually liked my job, it one of the easy jobs. Just sitting there watching boys play basketball and turning the scores. EL OH EL.

The lesson learned this week was think about what you're going to do first before actually doing it. Some 7th graders made the mistake of cheating on AR which caused the whole Leadership class to do story maps before taking an AR test. They also lost Mr. Ing's trust and they couldn't work on ISA.

archery, isa, jah and kevin?

Saturday, November 2, 2013


So this week was pretty okay. It was another normal week. My job was lunch music. Maliah and I started making our banners for ISA. Nothing much happened this week (well i dont remember much). Oh I reach my AR, yaay now I gotta reach the other bars. This years Halloween wasn't as fun as I thought it would be (lol its because i dont know the places here yet). LOL, but thats okay because I got candaaaaaay. For my costume, I was a nerd but then I wore cat ears so I became a Nerdy Cat lol. But when we went trick-or-treating I went as Shana from Shakugan no Shana (she has red hair and a sword and i have red hair and i borrowed my cousins sword).

My highlight of the week was Halloween (obviously). It was pretty tiring walking around but we got candy and I spent time with my friends so it was worth it. Next year I need to plan who i'm dressing up as ( it was crazy doing last minute costumes lol).When we got home, I immediately went to sleep. Walking is so tiring, lol and it was only like 9:40 something. 

Lesson learned this week was STAY HOME FOR HALLOWEEN. Walking around for hours is not for me. Next year, i'll just buy a bag of candy and watch some scary movies. 
