Saturday, August 31, 2013


Wasssuuup guys! So, how was your week. ok lol so far, this week has been the most painful week xD. Basketball practice started this week and my thighs are already sore from squatting to block someone (HOW DO I BLOCK A PERSON TALLER THAN ME!!) lol, our member count have been going up and down. This week I had after school sales for my job (i had some dumb blonde moments when i didn't know how much to give for change :P) So this week was full of test, binder checks, rushing to finish our books and getting our grades up for progress report. Ok so we had this assignment called "Leader Bag" and we had to put 10 items to being a great leader. I swear everyone here is cray because look how much nonsense we came up with just to fill up our bags xD. We also went over intramurals and our assigned yearbook pages.

My highlight of the week was looking at peoples leader bag. lol, Kevin's and Jayde's bag was the best. So people thought mines were funny because I used my brother's toys xD

My lesson learned this week was expect the unexpected/be prepared because Mr. Ing checked our binders this week and we weren't ready so we got a bad grade (lol so now were checking binders everyday xD).

During basketball practice.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Yaaaay, the third week of school (i can't believe its almost one month of school)! lol, ok is it just me or is school going by too fast? Okay moving on to this week, this week we had Leadership reunion, Open House and Picture Taking. So my job this week was broadcast, it was pretty embarrassing. It was okay when we practiced but as soon as they said 1, 2, 3 my mind goes blank. And it didn't help that my cousin kept on teasing my high voice or that every person in class told me "i saw you on tv". Leadership reunion was funny, specially when they were telling us their moments. During picture taking we were making paper airplanes and paper boats.

The highlight of my week was during picture taking. So yea I was so bored I turned my class list in to a boat and then Petriese made that fortune thing and then we started to make paper airplanes. Lol Cheana's plane comes right back. Then we put Kevin's hair into a ponytail. OMG we should've taken picture. The lowlight of my week was the 20 by 20. ugh gosh i suck at math.

The lesson I learned this week was to smile and speak with emotion or something. Ok so during tv, they told us to be more relaxed and act like were just talking to each other instead of announcing announcements lol.

During T.V.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

5 Lessons To Make You Think About The Way We Treat People

Lesson 1: Cleaning Lady

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
For us to know how to treat people properly. We should always be kind to others, no matter who the person is. 
What does this have to do with Leadership?
In leadership, its important to know the people you're working with.
Lesson learned.
Every person is important, their job, position, etc. doesn't matter. You must treat others nicely. 

Lesson 2: Pickup In The Rain

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
We need to know that we have to help people in need.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We have to help each other out when we're working so we can get the job done faster. Also students/teachers expect us to help.
Lesson learned.
It doesn't matter who the person is, their race, sexuality, etc., you should always help someone who needs it.

Lesson 3: Always Remember Those Who Serve

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
we have to think about everyone working, because their job is just as important as others.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We serve students during our jobs and we have to know how to act in front of them.
Lesson learned.
In order to give something back we have to lose another thing too.

Lesson 4: The Obstacle In Our Path

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
There will be obstacles in life but there is always a way to solve it.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
There are many obstacles in leadership, so we need to overcome and face them.
Lesson learned.
Instead of complaining about your 'obstacle', just do it. In the end you might get something back from it.

Lesson 5: Giving When It Counts

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?
We need to learn to volunteer when something very critical comes up.
What does this have to do with Leadership?
We'll need ti sacrifice something in order to do work.
Lesson learned.
Giving is important. It makes you feel good inside and also makes others happy as well.


Ok, guys so its the second week of school. So i'm getting use to it a little. So our jobs this week was the same, IDs. Not much people came to get their IDs but we didn't really have trouble. So this week we had to work on these things called '5 Lessons To Make You Think About The Way We Treat People' (assingment blog coming up XDD). So we also shared the rest of the side of our biocube (i think i wasn't loud enough). We also took our star test, uhm I forgot what I got (and I don't wanna check inside my bag for it lol), but I think I got a pretty good score. This week, for social studies we had to remember the Southern part of U.S. OMGAAAH, lol i got a perfect score thank god for catchy stupid songs XD. Ok April calm yourself!

So the highlight of my week was *ahem* going to the library. So not many people like reading but I love reading! It keeps me calm and every time I go to a new library I feel the need of reading every single book in there. Lol sorry for my nerdness.

So the lesson I learned this week was never wear tapers in Ms. Liu's class. LOL, she made me take it off in class. I'M SORRY I LOST THE BACKING LAST NIGHT AND I ONLY HAD MY TAPERS LEFT!!!!

Alright on to the extra paragraph about voices. So I think I don't really talk much so my voice is really quiet, like little, tiny, small bugs quiet and I really need to speak up a little (well i need to talk more too). I'm really impassive when speaking. But when speaking in front of class, to teachers etc. I tend to speak more "professional". But when i'm with my family and friends, believe it or not, its like hell took over hahahah. My parents say I have a really loud voice and that I should live way up in the mountains yodeling (lol they need to see me in class tho). I want to speak in a more clearer voice because I have a small tongue *TMI April* so I kinda have trouble saying big words and other hard to pronounce words. Also i have to stop saying uhms, like, and so.

Ok these are the books I got erryone!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


So this week was the start of a new school year. Woohoo 8th grade, not. Monday was the first day for 7th graders, we helped them get to class and such. Then on Tuesday, it was us 8th graders. So I was nervous cause new school, new people and yeaa.... We did a cheer to start off the year and ours was kinda weird lol. We had cafe duty this week and it was pretty funny. We had to make signs for the after school sales. So my week was okay for a first week of school. Nothing big happened so it was a pretty boring week.

The highlight of my week was Friday, well after school Friday. It was the highlight of my week because my cousins all meet up at my house and we did stuff (Aprilyn you're so specific). So we just hanged out. Oh and I also facetimed with my friends from Kalihi. It was good because I haven't seen them in so long.

The lesson I learned this week is that someone is always watching. Since were in Leadership, we have to set a good example to the other students. We represent the school so we shouldn't be making any mistakes.

lol, i don't have friends XDDD

Saturday, August 3, 2013


So this week of leadership we finished up schedule pick ups. There was a tropical storm coming in Hawaii, but it wasn't that big of a deal. During Wednesday we didn't have leadership. So on Thursday we had a meeting about Leadership and taking our positions seriously. Then on Friday was our field trip (YAAAAAAY). Reporters came and interviewed some of us (omgaaaah lol I didn't want to be on tv tho). lol, guess what guys I got sun burnt ~_~, me and Maliah are the cookies 'n cream twins XDDD.

So my highlight of the week was Friday (obviously). So we bonded and I'm much more closer to most of the people (good job April). We played chicken fight and while they played marco polo I blew up a floatie all by myself (I almost died guys). We lost both of Jahlyssa rocks (my bad). While we were eating, birds kept crowding around us lol. Then we went swimming again and before we knew it time passed and it was almost time to go. Lol the race against time into changing so the bus didn't leave us.

The lesson I learned this week was to put on more sunscreen! I didn't know I burned that easily. Hahahahahahah. Well it was all fun and games until I turned into a lobster. Grrr, no more staying out the sun for me. 

In the process of making 23 musubis.