Heyyyyy bloggers! This week was a very funny and embarrassing week. So my job was t.v. this week, and it's either we have a lot of announcements or none, there is no in between. We had to go to advisory classes this week to show the dress out days and it was embarrassing and funny at the same time. No one really asked any questions which made it even awkward since they just stared at us. OMG, guuurl, Aleesha everytime she explained she would get so fired up, damn. So my boots broke during Friday while we were walking back A101, UGH. We started taking our Algebra HSA, and I can predict that I won't get a good score on this. For English were doing this debate thing about important issues and in Social Studies were doing another informative essay. In Science we have to create and organism that can live on the 7 other planets. In STEM, were finishing our presentation about solar cars. It started raining Friday night, and I'm kinda hoping it rains the whole week so the weather is cold, I just don't really like warm or hot weather guys.
My highlight of the week was in Leadership period, it was pretty funny this week, Helen told me to step it up when I couldn't carry the tables on my own. Girl, excuse you, you needed help too. Then on Friday when we were cutting wristbands Korey turned into a machine and the wristband pile started to look like my life (unorganized and everywhere), then Maliah cried because her whole life was thrown at her. Jah brought this cool spray bottle thing and period 6 just had way too much fun with it.
The lesson learned this week is actually pretty silly, never wear shoes that have something wrong with them. Always check if they're going to break down soon. Funny story though, my sister, whenever she barrows my mom shoes she ends up returning them broken to the point where you can't wear them anymore.