Saturday, March 29, 2014


Heyy guys! Its finally the week back to school! If you noticed the title then yes, I did play in the rain. Sigh, if only it rained harder and longer. So this week was mainly focused on Orientation. It was difficult at first but now were all starting to get a hang of it. So i'm going to be the MC during the dance portion. I'm going to have to do a lot of memorizing, but at least i'll have time. So I did my hair during Spring Break. EL OH EL, you the reactions I got were pretty funny. So nothing much happened in my classes this week. Science we just reviewed for the upcoming HSA using the "Jeopardy!" method, I love playing that game. In Social Studies, were starting this group project about economics, were suppose to be a company selling products. In Math, we did a critical read and the same old stuff. In STEM, we finally found out our new project which is designing a house that will keep the heat out. In English, well we don't really do much in that class, but I found out my teacher is leaving after our graduation. In Leadership were working on orientation and passing out forms and pictures. 

My highlight of this week was playing in the rain. Yes I know i'm sick but . . . WHY THE HELL NOT!? Ok sorry but I love playing in the rain, but it was disappointing because it only rained for a while. 

The lesson learned this week is to speak up cause as cool as it sounds people can't read your mind. So if you've got something to say, say it. Your teacher won't know if the lesson doesn't make sense or what you want from your parents (by the way this lesson is just basically what I want as a birthday present from my parents . . . teehee I know stupid right). 

moments in the rain . . . 

Saturday, March 15, 2014


The last blog of the quarter. Yayyy, SPRING BREAK! So it's officially the end of quarter 3, now just one more to go. My job this week was after school sales. So this week was a very busy week, a lot of things being turned in. For Social Studies, we had to turn in our Native American essay, last clay in Ms. Liu's we played jeopardy for extra credit and I actually enjoyed something in her class for once. Maybe it was because we use to always play it in my math class to prepare for a big test. Anyways we got third place for it. In Science, we had to turn in our create an organism that can live in one of the planets poster. In English, we had to turn in our annotated bibliography. In STEM, we got to pick our new partners for the next project but we still don't know what it's about because Mr. Shinn still wont say. In Algebra, we haven't been doing anything, just some free periods and our 20 by 20. In Leadership, were now focusing all our attention on orientation. I was supposed to go hiking to Lulumahu falls today but there wasn't anyone who could watch my brother so I stayed, tsok tho. 

My highlight of the week was Friday because we didn't really do anything during my classes. For period 2, we watch Frozen but since I watched it like a million times already I went to sleep, lol. Also because it was my mom's birthday! 

Lesson learned this week is always plan out what you're going to say/where you're going. So Megan and I had to go talk to a bunch of people for NJHS but we weren't organize (it's our first time ok) so it was kind of everywhere. But at least next time we know what to do.

just some random pictures . . .

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Wow, is it really the end of the quarter already? One more day left till Spring Break, phew. Is it safe to say that this quarter was by far the easiest? So we had some lows in the beginning but with how smooth the way things are going right now, I think we've redeemed ourselves. This quarter we really had to step our game up with the yearbook. I'm just glad that were done with that problem now. Spirit week passed by just like that. We didn't really have any big problems with anything, everything was just like yea.... I'm expecting a 4.0 this quarter, hopefully nothing big changes on my grades. So I kind of don't want this quarter to end but nothing lasts forever. Feeling really anxious about what next quarter brings and the challenges and changes it will come with. Oh, lol haha Kalihi April finally came out guys. I guess i'm even more comfortable with you guys XD. 

The highlights of my quarter were definitely NJHS and spirit week. So last school year I applied for NJHS, but I didn't get in. So when I got in this year it was such a big accomplishment! I actually felt like I did something good for my parents. So it was my first year in doing spirit week and it was sfbhjbajksb;bvgjgbdjavdkhbgfdf awesome! Can't believe how much spirit this school has, wish it was the same everywhere else. 

My favorite lesson learned this quarter was "Being a leader isn't about ability. It's about responsibility." So there are a lot of good qualities a leader needs to have in order to lead people. But if you're leader is not responsible enough, then hell it doesn't matter how much ability he has (kind of). 

NJHS Induction Ceremony

Monday, March 10, 2014

Spirit Week.

So Spirit Week was last week. It was a pretty fun week, I guess. So the first day was sports day which was pretty easy. All I remembered from that week was team 8-3 starting of the penny wars and chain links and they also got the most dress outs (oh and that Laila brought the first canned goods which was one can of vienna sausage). Then on Tuesday it was inside out day. I thought everyone would most likely dress out since it was the easiest out of all the other dress outs but it was mostly 8-3 again. On Wednesday was when things started to get real. It Hawaii day and I think 8-3 got the most dress outs with like 90 something. People were starting to get pretty heated over penny wars and chain links. It was pretty funny because there was always a crowd in front of our station. 8-2 started to get into the game too. They brought plenty boxes of ramen.  On Thursday was Military day, this was my favorite out of the dress out days. So Mr. Shim put a hundred on everyones jar and everyone went crazy after that, he also brought 65 boxes of vienna sausage. So the chain links were getting too long so we just ended up tallying it instead of making them (when we threw the links away i became a black veil bride lol most of you will probably not get this). So on Friday was team color day and it was the only day that I say most of the people starting to dress out for their teams. We had the team dance off thing and I really didn't who won that one. So team cheer off everyone was saying 8-1 should've won but i'm pretty sure everyone was saying that for their own team. When we had the relay race it was the funniest thing. I really wanted to ride the bikes but 8-3 wouldn't stop celebrating. So last period of the day but it seemed like 8-3 had a free period because they were still celebrating even before they found out who won.

My highlight of the week was Thursday because it was my favorite dress out day and because it was when things started to get real. My lowlight of the week was when people were starting to fight because of penny wars. Guys this is for a good cause and to show spirit not who's going to win.

So my suggestion for a new activity would be, I know we already do this a lot but there should be a music challenge. We could play multiple songs at the same time and people can try to guess all the songs playing. OR play a mashup of songs and people have to list as much songs they heard. 

For dress out, I suggest something easy that everyone would already have. Like holiday day where you can dress as any holiday or even nerd day cause yea... But I really want a Fandom day! You can have anything fan related (fangirls and fanboys unite!). 

Overall I really liked spirit week. I heard a lot of people saying this was better than last years but I really can't say since I wasn't here. What should be done differently is dress out. Some people were too lazy and just didn't care. When we explaining to the advisory classes we said 3 things to wear and I guess the were just like "I ain't doing that" so maybe next time clear it up with the students as well as with us. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


(I just found out that the blog i thought i posted during Saturday didn't get posted, UGH so whatever at least i have it up now) Hey y'all! So this week was a very hectic week. I had after school sales this week and I also worked wristbands for spirit week. Spirit week was something alright. Team 8-3 killed it. It was actually pretty funny seeing people huddled up in front of our station yelling because of coins. People put like 20's, 50's and even 100's, I could've bought so many things with that money. Guys it's only spirit week, next week it won't even matter to you guys. I heard people saying things like "I'm going to die if we don't win". But at least this money is all for a good cause. So we had to wake up really early this week, last time I woke this early was for retreat. After we were all done with spirit week, all the can foods we collected was enough to stock up for the apocalypse. The money counting was really fast thanks to Cassie (that was the name of the machine if you didn't know). I thought it would take longer but it didn't. Relay race was pretty funny, well people are racing to put on beach stuff. I wanted to ride the bike so much but team 8-3 wouldn't stop celebrating.

My highlight of this week was National Junior Honor Soceity Induction Ceremony (wow that's a mouthful). My teacher from Kalihi actually came all this was to support me. So I had to speak for "Citezenship", and I was shaking so badly. Ugh at least I wasn't the only, I can tell the other officers were nervous too. 

The lesson learned this week is to stay positive. You should stay positive all time but it was pretty amazing with the people at the clean up. Everyone was pretty friendly and there was even people from Farrington where I came from. 

we have enough food for an apocalypse

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Heyyyyy bloggers! This week was a very funny and embarrassing week. So my job was t.v. this week, and it's either we have a lot of announcements or none, there is no in between. We had to go to advisory classes this week to show the dress out days and it was embarrassing and funny at the same time. No one really asked any questions which made it even awkward since they just stared at us. OMG, guuurl, Aleesha everytime she explained she would get so fired up, damn. So my boots broke during Friday while we were walking back A101, UGH. We started taking our Algebra HSA, and I can predict that I won't get a good score on this. For English were doing this debate thing about important issues and in Social Studies were doing another informative essay. In Science we have to create and organism that can live on the 7 other planets. In STEM, were finishing our presentation about solar cars. It started raining Friday night, and I'm kinda hoping it rains the whole week so the weather is cold, I just don't really like warm or hot weather guys.

My highlight of the week was in Leadership period, it was pretty funny this week, Helen told me to step it up when I couldn't carry the tables on my own. Girl, excuse you, you needed help too. Then on Friday when we were cutting wristbands Korey turned into a machine and the wristband pile started to look like my life (unorganized and everywhere), then Maliah cried because her whole life was thrown at her. Jah brought this cool spray bottle thing and period 6 just had way too much fun with it. 

The lesson learned this week is actually pretty silly, never wear shoes that have something wrong with them. Always check if they're going to break down soon. Funny story though, my sister, whenever she barrows my mom shoes she ends up returning them broken to the point where you can't wear them anymore.