To me "Being Responsible" means that when your assigned a task, you are able to get it done on time with the criteria filled. You are reliable and trustworthy. When you're responsible, you don't need someone watching you for you to be doing the right things and making good decisions.
An example of someone who isn't responsible is if they were in a group work, they wait for the other to finish so they can copy.
I think "Being Responsible" is important because in real life, people won't hire you if you're not responsible enough to do your job. You can't get anything done if you're not responsible.
To me to "Follow Rules", you have to do what is told. You can't try to wing it and find a loop hole. You need to do everything you were instructed to do.
An example of someone who doesn't follow rules is when you are told to finish a task on time but when it's time to turn in the work, you don't have it completed.
It's important to "Follow Rules" because if you don't, you might make a mistake and you won't know how to fix it because you didn't follow the rules.
"Delayed Gratification" means that instead of getting the reward now, you wait in order to get a bigger reward.
This is important because in order to get the prize you deserve, you need patience.