Sunday, February 23, 2014


Heyyyyy bloggers! So I'm watching Doctor Who right now and I swear it would be 100000000000000000x much better if I had a British accent (and even more annoying than usual). This week was a pretty short week but it was filled with a lot of excitement. So in STEM, it's competition time where we have to race the groups in our periods and race head to head against the fastest in each period. So our group went pretty far. All we need to do is fix our fallen motor and race one more group. In Social Studies, were working on this project about the Westward Movement and I don't really like it (lol I don't really like anything in that class). In Science, we took a big test, I did ok and plus I had extra credit points. In Math, we took the practice explorer test. Sigh, if only I had more time (and a smarter brain). So this week was the practice dress out week, and let me tell you it was pretty BAD.

My highlight of the week was today cause I got to go to Ala Moana. We just walked around for a little bit and we didn't buy much but it was nice to get a break from this week. Oh yea and I also got new glasses guys. Now I have like 2 backups. 

The lesson learned this week was if we don't set good examples then who is exactly going to follow. So were not really putting much effort in our dress up. C'mon guys, let's step up our game. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

3 Topic Lessons Discussed

To me "Being Responsible" means that when your assigned a task, you are able to get it done on time with the criteria filled. You are reliable and trustworthy. When you're responsible, you don't need someone watching you for you to be doing the right things and making good decisions.

An example of someone who isn't responsible is if they were in a group work, they wait for the other to finish so they can copy. 

I think "Being Responsible" is important because in real life, people won't hire you if you're not responsible enough to do your job. You can't get anything done if you're not responsible.

To me to "Follow Rules", you have to do what is told. You can't try to wing it and find a loop hole. You need to do everything you were instructed to do. 

An example of someone who doesn't follow rules is when you are told to finish a task on time but when it's time to turn in the work, you don't have it completed.

It's important to "Follow Rules" because if you don't, you might make a mistake and you won't know how to fix it because you didn't follow the rules. 

"Delayed Gratification" means that instead of getting the reward now, you wait in order to get a bigger reward. 

This is important because in order to get the prize you deserve, you need patience. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Heyyyy bloggers! So I'm really tired right now and I'm at a party but I hate parties (i just hate socializing... and people lol, they're scary). So this week I worked in music, but we kept messing up a little because it's been so looong. Next week we have IDs. So this week we found out who's in NJHS, and me and Maliah got in. I wanna run for President but at the same time I don't lol. But if I do run hopefully I win, lol wish me luck guys. Our car in STEM finally worked and it's pretty fast but it's not fast enough to beat the other groups so that's the only thing we need to work on (but how do you do that April?). For English, were starting up with our argumentative essay. In Social Studies, were studying the Westward Movement. I had an appointment today but it got cancelled since they were closed, lol thank god! I just hate hospitals, clinics and doctors in general. So I went to shoot during archery this week and now my back hurts. I just remembered what my doctor told me, so like I have this crooked spine and I'm not supposed to like do anything intense lol but I guess since I didn't shoot for so long and that I didn't stretch that it started to affect me. 

I don't really like parties but it's my only highlight of the week. I have a small group of my family that I actually like hanging out with. It was nice hanging with them (even though I see them every week or everyday). My family is really crazy and wild compared and it's fun to watch them making a full of themselves. 

The lesson learned this week is don't try to change yourself for others. While at the party, my older cousins are always telling me to dress "decently" or try to be more out going and "like them". I seriously hate when they do that. I'm comfortable with the way I dress and with the people I hang out with. If they don't like it then deal with it. I don't live to please you. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014


I know, I know. So my blog is late but my internet was effing up and kept on going on and off. Sigh. Well anyways this week my job was lunch music. We had our reading HSA this week and I got a pretty good score, 340 something. Lol I forgot. So our car for STEM didn't work. I mean it worked and started up but just didn't move because when we placed it down the solar panels angle wasn't reaching the sun very well and we also had problems with the wheels shifting. In Social Studies we had a critical read. And for once I actually think I can get a pretty good score on it. In Science, we are now learning about tides. Maliah and I finished our banners. It was pretty funny actually, because period six we have pretty good teamwork but we usually play around so we ended up getting marker marks all over my arms, at least we finished it. So for our dance, I think we finished it. We have most of the moves down but we have to work on not being so awkward. 

This was a pretty boring week. I don't really have any highlights but the only thing exciting that happened was that we played on the PS3. Uhm I ended up being colorful because of banners lol. Working on choreography brings out my inner Simba, oh gawd. 

Lesson learned this week is to get my computer and WiFi fixed. You can't get anything done without the internet. UGH. 

valerie, banners, flowers, and dad

Saturday, February 1, 2014


heyyy bloggers! lol right now i'm watching Mulan, so obsessed with
"I'll make a man out of you". BE A MAN! This week we started finishing up the dances for orientation, (its pretty funny when we practice and try to make new moves). Yearbook pages were due this week, glad my page was pretty much done. So I made cookies this week and period six liked it so I guess i'm going to be making more lol. So I went to KMS during Wednesday again, it was okay. We finished building our Solar Cars for STEM, now all I need to do to raise my grade up is to take the retake quiz. I finally finished my media essay for English, I actually like how my essay turned out. Oh yea, and we got new students in my team. I don't really remember much of this week so, yeah.... 

My highlight of the week was when my cousins came over during Friday. For some reason the topic we were talking about was eyebrows and how we remove the hair (waxing, shaving, plucking, threading, etc.). And then my cousin, Vheejay, was like "I wonder how it feels like to do your eyebrows. Lyn can you pluck my eyebrows." lol so I did and he was tearing up but when I finished he was like "OMG my eyebrows are so clean, SMOOTH!" GAAAYY!

The lesson learned this week was some people will go far in order to help you, while some will just drag you down instead. On Wednesday, when I went to get my NJHS teacher evaluation from one of my teachers, she wasn't there cause of a meeting so I ended up leaving with only one teacher evaluation. But on Thursday night, I got a text message from her saying that she's okay with meeting up with me on the weekends to give me the evaluation. And that's when I realized that some people out there will be willing to take an extra step in order to help you. 

cookies, eyebrows, yearbook, a cool rainbow thing and korey.