Sunday, October 27, 2013


I don't really know what I want guys lol :) I guess some kind of statement beanies (you know the ones with words on them, lol search it up if you still don't get it). OR you could get me a spiked hat. You can get them for cheap in amazon. 

ok here's one that i really wanted for a long time
You can also get me this if you want. CLICK HERE!! lol don't judge me XD anyways BYE!

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Wasssup guys! Well this has been an interesting week. So my job this week was still afterschool sales. This week was a pretty normal week. We put up our Halloween posters and flyers. We also drew names for the Secret Santa. During advisory, we took team pictures (I bet everyone in the picture looked lost or something).  So there's not really much to say. Oh yea, we also volunteered on helping plant grass out in the front yard of the school. 

My highlight of the week was today during the volunteer. Yes it was pretty tiring (as soon as I got to my room I was knocked out and woke up at 3 something) but it was worth it. It was really fun. The holes and the peices of grass looked like a game but we learned that I have bad aiming skills xD. The a/c rooms felt really nice after sweating so much. LOL, my sweat looked like my tears sometimes.  After that we all went home and it wasn't until I got to the door to realized that I LEFT MY KEYS IN MY ROOM! GAAAAH IM SO STUPID SOMETIMES. Lol I had to wait for like 20 minutes for my parent to get back from Kunia. 

The lesson learned this week was hard work pays off. So we all know gardening ain't easy but it can be fun when you work with a lot of people. To me bonding is really hard. But working is one of the ways people get to know me better (weird right?).

hey look a camera

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Ew, back to schoool. So during Tuesday we went back to school from fall break. Ok guys this week was okay. My job was after school sales. This week a lot of things were done. We had to do a critical read for like every class, I had a test online for algebra. It wasn't that hard I guess. We started with our flyers and posters for Halloween and Talent show. One was due this yesterday which was Friday and the next one is due on Monday. I also went to the eye doctor today xD.

My highlight of the week was today. Idk this week was pretty boring. It was my highlight because after my appointment we went to go eat Jollibee XD. Food FTW!

The lesson learned this week was start using my eye drops more often lol. Idk, I rarely use it and I have dry eyes so yea... The doctor told me to use if my eyes were dry (but i don't cause im lazy XD). 

this was the only pic i had of this week
but if you notice a pic with the only green background thats me ^----^

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Whoop whoop, RETREAT! lol, ok retreat was fun! I really had a good time. We made memory jars and a mobile. I really enjoyed making the memory jars, it was cool. We had an interview (and i mess up a lot of times xD), we saw turtles and caught crabs (oh gaaawd, Cheana). We planned, a lot. I miss the house. The view was sooooo pretty. It would be so nice to wake up with that view everyday. And I actually miss waking up to food and eating every meal XD. The weather so good to. It was my type of weather. Cold, windy, if only it could snow. Talent show and Chopped was really funny. LOL, our last minute decision to add in sweaters and to take it off (we didn't even practice that part and I actually got it off). For Chopped, it was the first time we cooked Spaghetti Tacos. If only we could've added more flavoring to the sauce. Or made something much different from the other groups. We also had to make notes, positive notes about everyone. I really liked Jayde's envelope. I liked the rose. 

My highlight of the retreat was the relay race. It was pretty funny. If it was this ridiculous, then I wonder how it would look like with the whole school XD. I wish it would've been longer though. My other highlight was the extra time we had before leaving. Maliah's colony was pretty funny. LOL, I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL XD! Petriese, that was really funny! 

The lesson learned during retreat was werk it guuurl XD. No, but seriously just do it (lol nike). Go for it and try new things. Your only young for a while and you never know when your story ends. So its better to make an awesome book. You might end up regretting it in the future and I learned from my parents that it sucks to regret things. To do what you want but can't do it anymore because you missed the opportunity, that sucks.

our home slippers are kewl (:
fire places

pt 2


trees and stormy weather




potato smiles






jumping again

duck lips

duck lips 2.0


look its like stairs


Saturday, October 5, 2013


Lol guys I'm doing a blog in the car lol. So this week was the last week of school. It was another stressful week but I got through it YAAAAAAY. There wasn't really much about this week. Just some presentations, AR and test. But guess what guuuuys, FALL BREAK!!!!! Whoop whoop! So this week my job was tv. I got a lot of "I saw you on tv." again.

So my highlight of the week was the last day of school. Lolololol yupps. It's my highlight because I don't gotta worry about homework, waking up early and etc. This week was pretty boring so there isn't a lot to say.

My lesson learned this week was get things done, so that you're not rushing because the deadlines near. Yea it pretty much fit this whole week so okaaaay!


Thursday, October 3, 2013


OMMAAAGOSH GUYS, 1st quarter is already done! I can't believe we only have one more day of school left. So far this has been the hardest first quarter I've ever had. Being new to Ilima and being in the last year of middle school is pretty hard. Sometimes I feel as if i'm behind everyone else because they all learned these things last year while i'm just getting the hang of things. 

Although it was hard, it was a pretty good challenge. And I think its safe to say that I've won this challenge XD. I know next quarter won't be easier but at least I learned my lesson and I know what to expect from it. NO PROCRASTINATING! Come at me, bro!

Leadership really changed me. I learned that people are always watching and waiting for you to mess up. The teachers and students have higher expectations of you just cause you're in the program. Teachers expect you to be a good role model so we can set a good example to our peers. The students think that we're all "smart". Students not in the leadership program always tell me this, "oh, she's in leadership, of course she's smart." I understand that from the outside it might look like that, but if you really knew what was going on, you'd know that we are all working our butts off so we can reach our goals. AR was like a gazigjsdgjbillion times harder XD, grades couldn't be lower than a B and we also had to juggle our jobs with our school work. Yea guys we really are "smart".

Yea there's a lot of hard times but those funny leadership moments make up for it. WE WORK HARD, WE PLAY HARD! Its hard but there are a lot of moments that not many students get to experience. Those experiences are the type that make you look back and say "thank you" LOL cheesy much XD.  

i found more guys