Thursday, November 30, 2017


So i'm home from work, which means I can finally do my blog ;-;

So this month was pretty hectic. I started off the month with a field trip to bishop museum. It was pretty fun and I felt like a kid again. I miss going to that place every year during elementary lol. Also, our house is a mess because we're redoing the floors. Inside our house is so bare, but if you go outside its a wreck since all of our furniture and stuff are just in a pile lol. I also visited Windward Community College because that's where i'm gonna go for college. After that visit i'm even more stressed out because the classes I need to take for my major only has 60 seats so I gotta hurry, and then for the second year of my major they only take the top 24 students out of the 60 so like I gotta work my butt off.

So what I want to improve on is that I have to start exercising lol. I've been feeling weak lately and also I just wanna lose weight lol. So I gotta work on that lol. Continuing from last month, I still have a long way to go on getting rid of my procrastinating ways. My advice to the current class is that don't be scared to go to community college for your first option. There's nothing bad with community colleges, even though it has that kind of rep. It's honestly a great way to not be in debt and just get your general education and then transfer to a 4 year college once you make a decision with your major.

Blurry updated selfie with a puppy from work!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Yes I know I'm late on my post but I just got back from work ;-;

So this month was pretty much a blur to me. I don't really remember much because I haven't really done anything memorable. We had fall break, which was great I guess, but all I did was stay home and go to work. I guess the most interesting thing about this month was this new guy we hired at work got fired because he was just so frustrating to work with. He was working at the store for a month and yet we had to teach him everything over and over again. I've been stressed for a while because of college, financial aid, and just getting ready to graduate. We also got our grades yesterday and I'm not too happy about it because I've been lacking. Although it really doesn't look that bad.

So things I want to improve on would be my lazyness. I have been slacking off for too long, and I need to find my motivation in life again. Part of it is because of my depression, and I just don't care anymore. Dealing with depression sucks. Because of it I haven't been challenging myself with school. And that's where my advice comes in. TRY YOUR BEST IN SCHOOL. Doesn't matter if you really hate going to school, or you hate the class, or the teacher, just do it to your best ability.  I didn't really try my hardest, and I knew I could do better. I let myself get distracted, and having depression worsened it. But now that I'm trying to get my life together, I regret it. Like if I just put what was left of my effort when I was at my lowest, it would have been fine. But I didn't.