Saturday, January 25, 2014


So my my wifi is being ratchet to me right now and won't let me connect to the internet on my laptop and my keyboard doesn't work on my desktop because someone spilled orange juice on it so I'm going to be doing this blog on my iPad. But the problem with that is I won't be able to upload pictures, UGGGHHH! lol, nvm I SOLVED THE PROBLEM (good job April). Okay, shut up April. LOL, enough about me ranting. So this week was supposed to be my break week but there wasn't enough people working so I worked after school sales, but I'm ok with I guess. Maliah and I finished drawing our orientation banners, all we need to do now is outline and color it. So we took our science HSA this week and I'm not really proud of my score, in my defense we didn't learn half of things on the HSA. But for the next test I'll get a better score, promise. For Social Studies our fake invention actually got a good response. It was a weightless/shrink ray thingy. For English, we started writing our media essay, I'm doing mines on the beauty industry. I finally got my grade up for STEM, self five. So right now were working on our final designs on our solar cars. For leadership we had another life lesson called "Building Your House".

My highlight of the week was getting to see my friends in Kalakaua during Friday. After all the stress from school, it was nice I got to see my friends after a looooooooong time. I've missed so many things about Kalihi (Ewa is still awesome guys!). I'm going back on Wednesday, hopefully I get to stay longer.

The lesson learned this week is bonds never truly break. So I've been a bad friend. I haven't been talking to my friends in Kalihi. I haven't contacted them for months. But when I went to visit, it was nice to know that nothing change. I'm still part of their 'family'

banners, doctors, gurgling noises, and family selfies

Building Your House

Why is Mr. Ing reading this to us?

Mr. Ing is reading this to us because it's the 3rd quarter and people are making more problems on top of other problems. Instead of fixing it now, we just wait for the answer to slap us in the face. We expect the answer to be given to us which causes the problem to drag on. 

What does this have to do with Leadership?

This has to do with Leadership because over time, when people are in the program for too long they end up doing sloppy work instead of doing their best. So we all need a reminder that we all need to do our best.

Lesson learned.

The lesson I learned from this story is that no matter what the project is, do your best. It could be your first job or last, but always give it your all. In the end you might get something good out of it. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Weeelp....another boring, normal week (kinda). Well to start of the week my job was T.V., then a new period 2 was formed so I also had to work afterschool sales. I really liked tv this week because we kept making terrible puns to start the broadcast *awkward HA HA HA*. We couldn't use computers or anything this week so we coudn't make intros. Korey thought of going live for it but we just used the computer for the alma mater. So Maliah and I finally started on our orientation banners. The problem with that was the banner was to big so it kept falling every time we projected something and started drawing (i'm pretty sure its Jah's and Jayde's fault jk). So I need to bring my grades up, specially for STEM.....bleeeh. I applied for NJHS but I still didn't turn in the packet. I finally finished my i'm still in book hangover/breakup mode. I finally finished Ghost, lol time to wait for the next one to continue the game. 

The highlight of my week was I guess finishing my game and book. Sigh, it really has been a boring week for my highlight to be this. The game was okay I guess (thats only because I enjoy first person shooting games too much lol) and the book was awesome because I get to attached to objects too much. UGH, fangirl problems. 

The lesson learned this week was to have communication. You're never going to get group work done without communication. So there's been a lot of group work being done in most of my classes and there's not really much communication in my English class because were all awkward with each other. 

COD: Ghost, tv and jah

Monday, January 13, 2014


Heyyy bloggers! Back to school again, yaaay! NOT! I'm so tired, my brain is slightly not functioning. UGH! So this week my job was ID, so usually no one buys when period 6 but there was a lot this week. So for my classes, we started new lessons. In science were learning about seasons. In STEM, were building a solar powered car. In social studies, were leaning about past inventions in the 1800s. So in leadership, we started planning for orientation. My job is making a banner for ISA.

My highlight this week was the weekend because I could finally catch up on my sleep. Nothing special. I just love the weekends sooooooo much. 

Lesson learned this week is GET YOURSELF TOGETHER. So I've been forgetting things much more often. I need to keep my head on straight. I guess it's just my brain thinking it's still winter break. Hopefully, I get myself together by next week.

mass effect 3