Saturday, September 28, 2013


hollaaaa guuuuys ;) So my job this week was back to IDs, dude i'm forgetting how to do things (GET YOURSELF TOGETHER APRIL!). This week was really filled with stress for me. We had to turn in our vlog videos during Tuesday, but I turned mines on Wednesday cause it wouldn't work. And on Thursday I had two tests. One was for algebra and I bet you I failed cause I blanked out and got confused. Tsk, such a waste of time from studying (PLEASE PLEASE, at least get some questions correct! gaaah). The other test was for science. It was all the lessons we learned so far into one test. I think I did pretty good. So for Friday period 1, we went to Campbell for the assembly. It was okaaay, I guess ( i think i turned deaf for a while from all the cheering). 

My highlight of the week was Beach Clean Up, which was today. My bag wasn't very filled up but at least I picked up some trash XD. Well there's not really much to say lol. We helped nature yaaay!

So the lesson learned this week was stop putting things off (or stop procrastinating)! So reason one was because of my video! Gaaah, I don't even wanna talk about it. The other thing was my AR, so I have 100% but I still need to reach my reading level thingy. 

During Beach Clean Up.
 I was trying to get sand out of my shoes and Kevin was helping me keep my balance.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


so this week, idk guys my brain isn't functioning (i just came back from a party lol) Ok, so my job this week was recess music. Out of all the jobs this is my favorite, specially when we have the song contests. This week was the last week of intramurals. It was okay, but some of the players didn't listen and every time we blew our whistle or went to talk to them they just kept doing it again. So we also had Welcome Social and barely anyone won at the ring toss game lol and I was laughing inside when people threw the darts above or below the board (lol to the person that got it stuck at roof thingy on top of the doors and window of the cafe). So no one was dancing except for when we did the group dance and most of the people were outside getting airbrush tattoos or on the bouncer and slide.  

So the highlight of my week was Welcome Social (lol i bet the people that had the most fun was leadership). The Welcome Social was okay (i wanted to stay on the water slide longer -___-) Another highlight of my week was today cause it was my best friend's birthday party guuys! I haven't seen my friends in a long time so of course I would enjoy this time with thme.

So the lesson learned this week is party like there's no tomorrow lol. So we were doing weird, crazy things at my friend's party and I realized that you should just have fun and enjoy today since not that much people are blessed with tomorrow (does that make sense 0.0 ?). We were having fun without any care in the world so yaahh WOOHOO! 

i dunno guys i found it on my phone and it was labeled this week lol

Saturday, September 14, 2013


lol guys okaaaay i'm at a party right now and I know its late but i'm going to do my blog ( and a creeper is behind me reading while I type ). Ok so moving on to this week, well there wasn't school on Monday, but I didn't have anything to do so it was pretty boring. Ok so school during Tuesday and so during STEM we finished our bridge even if one of us was absent WOOHOOO! ( i seem drunk lol im not dont worry xD) Mr. Shin even said it seems like we work better with just the two of us instead of three :) My job this week was lunch music. So this week we had flag football and I forgot to wear sunscreen so Allen kept on saying that my face was getting darker. And girls' basketball team was going to Kapolei for a game.

So my highlight of the week was Basketball at Kapolei Middle School ( lol even though it rained and we had to go back early ). So we played two games and it was with Kapolei and Waianae ( i think lol im so forgetful ). So we lost buts its okay i'm good lol, we cool we cool.

My lesson learned this week was its okay to lose it doesn't define who you are ( or your team ). Yea so our team lost but we didn't really care about it. It was fun playing and that's all that matters.

heyyyyyyy guysssssss were at a partaaaaay :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013


It's September guys!! Ok so moving on to this week. This week we practiced playing flag football. lol, so Korey and Laila ran into each other when we played and they were on the same team xD. Being a referee was okay, just need to focus a little bit more.  But the thing we were waiting for this whole week was our vlog day. It was so awkward at first but I started getting the hang of it. During class everyone was staring and I felt the need to whisper so I wouldn't disturb them (i don't think i was loud enough lol) My job this week was after school sales, again. During homeroom, we had a meeting and talked about prohibition and grades, it was scary O.O (not really). So now i'm my working my butt off so I wont get into prohibition again. So for STEM, were starting to build our bridges and I don't think my group is going to finish it on time (even though there's 3 of us). hahahahahahahah LOL, just thinking bout this still makes me laugh! Ok during advisory, Macky hahahahahah ok she made a stink bomb lol. So toward the ending of Friday in Ms. Liu's class we were talking about certificates and someone asked what was a Death Certificate, they asked if it was an award of death because certificates are usually awards XDDD omgaah, I was cracking up! During basketball practiced, we found out our team can somewhat win if there was food on the line ^-----^

So my highlight of the week was doing the vlog. It was embarrassing but it was actually fun. I actually want to do it again. It kinda made me open up a little. So my lowlight was when I was on prohibition and grades. I felt so bad and I don't ever want to be in that situation again. 

So the lesson learned this week was use time wisely. During STEM, while building our bridge we kind of slacked off. And we don't have that much time left to finish our bridges. So next time we build, i'm going to tell my partners to stop talking so we can focus.

this was during pd 6, idk guys